Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Electromagnetic Field Proof

I added something to my post about english accents and congrat to william. Something about how I don't believe I'll ever be able to prove what happened to me and my son really happened.

Too many experts and professionals have told me it was most likely NOT radiation, but electromagnetic waves, which don't leave a trace afterwards. Radiation can be determined by teeth enamel, but I don't think electromagnetic exposure can be. The body reverts itself.

It may have been possible immediately afterwards, through observations in changes of blood, but has probably corrected by now. Otherwise, I'm told it doesn't leave a trace.

I wrote about the nail clippings I saved, in this other post. I may be able to prove I never was guilty of cannabis abuse when the hospital claimed they found this in my blood, because I think I could find places where there may be old strands of my long hair somewhere. I never smoked or was around it until 6 months ago, after my son was removed, and I had thought hair was a timeline and grew mine out still, thinking it would show exactly when I began first trying marijuana, but then someone told me it doesn't work that way--that actually, it ruins or alters the whole strand of hair. So you can't tell when it was done, but only that it was used. However, I believe I know where some old strands are, which could prove that I am right.

I had saved fingernail and hair samples from both me and my son and left them in my car, which was forced to be abandoned in Canada. I didn't know if it could prove anything or not, but in case it did, I saved these things.

Most experts and professionals are telling me that this is unlikely, because of the source of energy. They're all saying it was most likely electromagnetic, which is the only kind that can be used to get onto desktops by detecting a pulse.

We had computer tampering, electrical devices were literally melting which were connected to the wall, and our fingernails were warping.

I've lost my periods besides, and my son lost his speech at the same time. He has been refused diagnostics where he's at and I was also refused reasonable medical diagnostics, in the state we were in.

I didn't lose my periods from stress. I've been stressed out before, and this didn't happen. I was stressed out enough on my own, at ONE time, to attempt a suicide. I didn't lose my periods during this time. Missing a period is not a sign of stress for me.

The pattern of what happened with my periods is consistent with extremely severe and high levels of electromagnetic exposure, and my son's speech and abilities have not been recovered.

He is not okay, and I am not okay.

The thing is, I cannot prove it.

I'll have to be subjected to some crazy diagnosis to get my son back, and further smeared and slandered as statutes for filing lawsuits expire.

The other thing is that because there are a couple of parties who would have motive to harm me and my son, whoever did this, relied on that as their cover, which is why I understand what happened to Diana was only done after the party felt it was easy to confuse things and get it mixed up.

I know what happened was real. My body is proving I didn't imagine anything. And my son is as well, but the state and their employees have relied upon faulty medical evidence to claim otherwise. "Evidence" which was confabulated to begin with. It was no accident that my medical records went missing a couple of years before. Someone wanted to know what they could pin on me, and there was nothing there, so they began to try to fill in the blanks, and create a negative profile, to pull off maybe even something which was planned in advance.

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