Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Garter For Cell and Marijuana Alternative Problem

I woke up with the song "Your Love Is King" by Sade on my mind. Listening now.

I feel pretty good this morning. I was exhausted yesterday. A little dizzy besides, but okay. Lost my phone again, in the taxi, totally my fault. I was lying down with a dizzy spell, and it must have fallen out when I got out. I think I cannot keep my phone in my back pantspocket anymore. It's my favorite place to store my phone, but I'm always sitting on it and it's falling out.

I am a klutz. I have sat on my phone so many times. I especially love sitting on those metal chairs, with the cell hitting. I guess I should get a purse at some point. I have a "bag" but it's not a purse. Then again, you can lose purses. I guess I'll have to get the boob job and just sandwich my cell inbetween my breasts. Hmmm. I don't know. Maybe I need a garter belt. I could store my cell there instead of a little gun. I wonder what kind of garter one could get that would work. This could be a whole new thing.

UPDATE. There are a ton of garters for cell phones, available online. There's even one called the "Cameo Lace Up Garter" for a cell. Really, it's very practical, unless you're wearing jeans, which I do more often than not. And then what do you do when you get a ring tone under your skirt? I guess you set it to vibrate, but that's not an ideal solution either. Ahem. Call me on my cell!!!

Okay, must get down to business and write TTSOML. Listened to "Tom's Diner" several times. I really want to go for a run but can't, with this knee. I'll have to find a swimming pool somewhere.

It's getting colder in D.C. I am going to need my fall and winter clothes. It's getting cold over here.

I do need to get some lingerie too, and just normal stuff. I've been wearing the same things, which is fine, because I was planning to have the rest of my stuff shipped over here, but I think that will be down the road still.

After I write the TTSOMLs, I'm going to pretend to be in agreement over how "mentally ill" I am, just to get my son and bring him back over here.

I am concerned about what to do with my migraines. Marijuana really cures them, and prevents them entirely, but in Maryland you can't get a doctor's permit--it's not "legal", so what am I supposed to do? I'm supposed to go to ER again, just to get an IV of ergotamine? And that doesn't even prevent them, it just aborts them. It will set me back, huge, in my life, to have to go through a regimen of pain and missing work on account of migraines. It's not fair to me or anyone. This is plainly ridiculous. There is nothing that's been effective for me, that doesn't knock me out or cause me to lose a significant amount of time because of migraine. And am I supposed to be responsible for the huge costs which accrue from migraine? when I'll be forced to go off of marijuana to get my son back, simply to be "legal"? This is so wrong on so many levels. I'm being asked to go back to very severe levels of pain, simply because the gov. and this state doesn't acknowledge marijuana as a medicine. I've already TRIED everything else. Ergotamine WORKS for me, but not in the nasal spray--it works through IV. So I'm just supposed to go to ER all over again for the IV I cannot afford? It doesn't make sense

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