Monday, September 29, 2008

International Afterall & Bail Out Ideas

I think I may be more into international affairs afterall. I won't be able to do anything for my own country directly, but maybe I can do something for people in general. And people are people, all over the world. God didn't make any one nationality more important than another, for the sake of hierarchy.

People who are writing history, too, from the U.S., are not always being honest with themselves and with everyone else. The U.S. writes about all kinds of "human rights" violations from other countries, but cannot seem to admit their own failures. There are human rights issues every single day, with the justice system in America. The black community has known this for years, as more of their people get thrown into prison than any other race, and they know what public defense is like and how fair the trials really are.

There are also corporate excesses and abuses.

I was thinking there had to be a bail out for the quickest recovery. Not the best recovery, but the quickest. Giving common people a share in the responsibility and making decisions isn't the same thing as turning it over to them. People are probably too tired and overworked to want to figure out details for themselves when they don't feel they really have the control here anyway. But if the 70 billion bail out had gone directly to the PEOPLE, instead of the corporations, with the corporations directed to give reasonable suggestions and instructions, this could have been a huge thing. The corporations and their executives should have received, in the bail out, exactly the same amount any other person affected by this receives. And then they should be instructed to assist in fixing the problem.

This bail out is going to set the stage for future bail outs. If this happens again, we will again resort to the quick fix, which may be the fastest way to get things going, but may not be the best decision in the long run.

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