Monday, September 15, 2008

Keeping Secrets

I'm starting to wonder if I can keep ANYTHING a secret!

I guess I can keep my own secrets, and a few for others, but other times, I'm too compelled to express and write and document history to keep it to myself. So be careful, if you talk to me.

I have kept some major secrets though, and kept them from everyone, not told even a best friend, family, pastor, or anyone. For years and years, and even decades.

Sometimes, it feels dangerous to keep a secret though, because maybe someone else needs to know, to help...Othertimes, it's scary because opening your mouth can get you in trouble.

I'm listening to Romeo & Juliet by Indigo Girls. It is SUCH a good song. Someone asked me who my favorite poet was last night, and I had to think. I don't know. There are so many good poems, individually, by poets, and writers, but finally I said, "Shakespeare?" I do like some of his sonnets. It sounds so cliche, but what a writer. I mean, come on.

If someone told me that revealing something would endanger their lives, or if I really believe it COULD or MIGHT, I do NOT open my mouth. If I ascertain a danger and even sometimes a danger to position or whatever, I do my best to keep their cover, even if they don't care.

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