Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Little Things by Colbie Caillat

Slept all day. I am having a normal period too. Very strange.

Just when I think it's all over, this period stuff, I have the worst gosh darn cramps of my life, fatigue, and normal-seeming period. It's been 2 full days of normal period. And I am totally stressed out and yet I'm having a normal period. So, so weird. Also, I have the worst fatigue of my life, these last 3 days. I can't get enough sleep.

Someone gave me a book to read. By the guy who wrote "No Country For Old Men". The title escapes me now but it's about a father and a son on a journey. So I'm reading this and taking lots of baths. And sleeping, sleeping, sleeping.

Woke up and listened to Justin Nozuka's "After Tonight" (love, love) and then Colbie Caillat's "The Little Things", many times until roommates came home, dancing in, to my singing. Lol. Then I listened to "Realize" for old time's sake. The same guy Colbie uses in her video for Realize she uses in The Little Things. Now, if I have to go for a blond, ummm...hmmm! this one will do. I like the continuity of her use of this guy (I'd use him too, quite frankly).

First time I saw the Little Things video.

I haven't been looking for a sugardaddy at all, but all of a sudden, they've started looking for me. That's the other new thing. Shoot. My feet just fell asleep and are waking up and it's killing me.

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