Saturday, September 20, 2008

Some Visual Artists I Met Last Night

I met a clothing designer-to-be yesterday. She's Iranian or Iraqian. Can't remember which. She was dressed modestly, with a headscarf and full length clothes, but had this really cool dress on over her pants. Very modish, well-made, and with cool colors. She said they're handmade in Turkey, so it's European quality. I know French clothing is fairly well-made. I used to buy French stuff, on sale, at a place in Oregon, and the material was always better and the tailoring just fit my body well.

Anyway, she gave me her card. I'd sort of wear one of her dresses I think. They were different, and yet totally fun and wearable. She said she got into this because she wanted to be modest but liked fashion and stylish things as well. So she has her own shop and is getting ready to start her own line.

Let me see, it's That's the name.

I just looked it up and the top/dress I liked was one with buttons down the front and a bright geometric print. It was a really artsy pattern. I don't see it here, but it was fun. I'd probably not wear it as a top but as a dress or something.

I met a visual artist too, who gave me his contact info and showed me his site. He's got a really good eye for balance and is pretty creative, just started his own consulting art biz. Worked for magazines and things first and now doing his own thing. That's the hard part though--combining business and administration with art. He wants to find someone reliable who could manage the business end so he's free to pursue art. I told him I was certaintly NOT someone who could fit THAT bill. Nice guy though. Not bad looking either.

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