Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Morning Music

I do have a thing for English bands I guess. I liked Duran, Duran, and then the other day at work I heard a song I haven't heard in a love time, "Bizarre Love Triangle". I had thought it was by Depeche Mode, but I looked it up this morning and it's New Order and, as it turns out, another English band and even described as "early post-punk".

I started out the morning with the funny video from Cake, which cracks me up everytime I watch it. I think I'll have to listen to more 80s New Wave bands and early post-punk stuff. I suppose I'll have to register with Last.fm.

I have things to write about, from last night, but can't write it here. And I know anything I write on this computer can be accessed. Once you go online, especially, that's it. I don't want a typewriter, but I wish there was some kind of word processor that is guaranteed secure. I wonder if someone bought a computer and just never ever went online? but there's built -in stuff that enables other things as well. It would just be nice to be able to write freely. Even more freely than I write now.

After a late night last, I slept in and had Gatorade and then had Salmon Sashimi. Sort of a weird breakfast, but I was craving the Sashimi. And I ordered spring rolls but then realized I wasn't very hungry anymore. This is going to be a random post.

I talked to my son last night. He had received his package from me that very day. I asked what he liked best and I was told his favorite things were 1. Opening up the box/package, and 2. The rubber boots.

This made me feel good because I had people recommend I just send a gift card and avoid sending such a large and heavy box, but I paid about $40-$50 in postage just to mail it for the very fact that I thought he might enjoy opening up the box. !!! Someone said, "Oh he's only 2," but I had a feeling he might enjoy it. So it was totally worth it.

Out of all the presents, he liked the rubber boots best. Which made me happy and sad, because when we were in Canada, we tried on those very same boots and he walked all over the store and just loved them. I'm pretty sure it was Canada or right before we left for Canada. It was at Wal-mart. He absolutely loved these green rubber boot with the eyes on them but I figured they were a little large at the time and postponed. I thought maybe he would remember these boots if I sent them, and I think he did. !!! It was his favorite present.

And when I called him last night, he kept saying, more than anything else, "Mama!" "Mama!" and "Mommy!" He said it over and over and was happy to talk with me.

I think I will have to send him little boxes to open on a regular basis until he is with me again.

I love you silly bear.

Also, some nice words of validation recently and put-downs too!

One man said he guessed I was older than everyone else was guessing because he said, I was well-spoken and more articulate. He said he could tell right away that I was well-spoken and more intelligent than most 30-somethings. I don't know how, because I didn't say anything spectacular. He said most would not respond, to his giving out his name, with, "Oh! are you French? you know ____ is a derivative of ________". Or, anything about entymology. Then, someone else was telling me how he and his brother never fought growing up and were always good friends. I said, "Your parents must have treated you equally? You probably felt equally loved, right?" and they looked surprised and said yes, and how did I know. I said sibling rivalry usually stems from a feeling of inequality or when the children are not treated or do not "feel" they are treated with the same amount of love and attention. So he said I was very perceptive and how did I know these things. I said I knew some things about kids and child development.


Then, the "put-down", which is just funny, is the response I got when I told some people I'd been asked to model. "How much does he want you to pay?" "Is he selling stuff and wants you to buy the photos afterwards?" "Is it nudity?" I said, "Heyyyy! What are trying to say?!" I mean, I'm no "model", but it's for ART photography. Anyone can be a model for art photography.

I can't wait to write about some funny things that happened last night but I have to figure out where to write all these things, safely.

I've listened to the New Order version of Bizarre Love Triangle about 30 times so far and just found the version done by Frente! which is very good as well. I still prefer the original, for the dance quality, but she does a great job on this acoustic ballad. Pretty voice--very clear and yet still warm tone to her voice.

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