Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Not A Fan Of Cell Phone Photography

I am really not a fan of the photo feature on cell phones and other devices. It makes it far too easy for people to sneak photos of you, and most of the time, you don't even notice.

I know, because I found out a guy I dated had taken at least one photo of me without telling me, and I didn't know about it until later. It was a really nice photo, actually, I was just standing there, looking to the side, on a bridge in Las Vegas, and I actually looked very pretty and had a smile on my face. HOWEVER!

What's with the sneaky photo-snapping? Don't do it so I notice without my permission, and if you do, you'd better be sure I don't find out!

I just think it's too much like voyeurism. I don't care if it's done in public or not. Especially when people are not public figures, I would think they have a right to privacy. And actually, even public figures have a right to move about freely and not have to worry about so many things. I don't know. Certaintly private citizens have a right to not be photographed.

I mean, the thing is, people practice holding their phones to make it look as though they're checking messages when they're actually snapping shots, and that is NOT cool.

Get a life.

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