Thursday, September 18, 2008

Problems With Computer & People Today

Things are acting up on my computer, or this connection. I am not seeing my editing right away, or there's a message someone else is "editing" at the same time, but then I see my post appear when I go to the regular file.

I'm also getting booted off while trying to post things, so bear with me as I try to write the next TTSOMLs.

Incidentally, I have had several people coming through the doors of this cafe today to pointedly stop, look at me, and stare or glare.

Get over it, whatever your issues are, whoever you are.

Throwing out looks is fairly cowardly. If you have something to say, or a problem, spit it out. The problem is, some people are not brave enough to speak their minds.

I really don't have respect for passive-aggressivity. It's frightening.

There have been plenty of normal people through the doors today as well, but I've got a bunch of weirdos, some in very expensive clothing, staring me down, and making an attempt to make it KNOWN they are staring me down. They are going out the door, and then stop, instead of proceeding, to glare at me.

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