Monday, September 29, 2008

TTSOML #93: Litigation Harassment By Abbey Attorneys

It would be difficult, without having my papers and dates before me, to explain all of the harassment I got from the Abbey attorneys.

Aside from having people stalk me in their cars, which literally happened, John Kaempf would linger around me, especially after hearings, one I remember in particular, just to unnerve me and be a presence. He would do something completely dishonest, and hand things over to the judges, and not tell me about it, or copy me on it, and then after knowing I'd found out and was angry, he'd try to get close.

He wanted a reaction. This guy wanted to get some kind of physical or verbal reaction from me. Through everything he did, although I wrote about things, I have never been physically confrontational and I never was.

Once, I was waiting to speak to the clerk outside of chambers. I sat on a bench outside. John Kaempf sat next to me, on an opposite bench. He didn't have any questions. He just sat there and stared at me. I ignored him, but I was aware of what he was pulling. He then walked out after staring me down for a half hour, or trying to. After he had walked out of the courthouse, I then walked out. He was outside, at the foot of the steps I had to go down. He just stood there and looked at me. I walked right by him and past him, not looking him in the eye. One block away, I looked back. He was still staring at me. I will remember the exact date, but I do not recall it now.

I never reacted. I didn't yell at him, I didn't shout, I didn't make any comment. I never approached him. I simply walked right by, with my head held high. He wasn't going to get what he wanted. And on that count, he never did. Not once, even though he tried so hard.

The other thing they did, for over a year, was to bombard me with paper. I've heard of that before. Being snowed with paper. But they took it up a notch with me. They claimed I had broken into my own mailbox and that this was why I hadn't received service of one of their motions (not true) so they got permission from the Judge to serve me in three different ways.

They served me at my house, by courier knocking at my door; served me by U.S. mail; and served me by giving documents to my apartment manager. These were not small documents. They were sometimes letters, and they had a new letter to give me every couple of days, and then they had huge packets of information and motions. They also sent me the same thing twice, the exact same thing, but instead of service 3 times, by sending it twice, they sent it to me 6 times. I asked them not to serve my apartment manager with my legal things, as it wasn't her business or concern, but they continued, which caused problems with my apartment manager, whom I'd gotten along with previously.

It was after this that I saw John Kaempf at my apartment manager's place, up on her deck, talking with her, which was the same day I was yelled at by her assistant, and had my car egged. Badly egged, and I believe it was by them. When Kaempf saw me he didn't flinch, and made his presence known, until the police came, because I called them about the egging. Suddenly, Kaempf was in hiding. I'm not saying he threw the eggs. But he caused problems with my apartment manager to the extent that he convinced her to do some things which were not even legal.

Which I'll write more about later.

I had mountains and mountains of papers. I asked the judge to put a stop to it and she refused. She did whatever they wanted. At the same time, the Abbey had their lawyers send a courier to my apartment, to knock on my door and deliver papers at least 3 times a week, at all hours of the night.

That's not to mention the fax harassment. They did some other things as well, which I'll try to write about later tonight.

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