Monday, September 1, 2008

Talked To My Son Last Night

I am going to write about my son next, and the Diana stuff, and TTSOML. I'll write about my son here, and reserve this post for it

He was so excited to hear from me, and began jabbering in an excited rush when he heard my voice. Then when I asked him about daycare he began to scream and cry.

My aunt interjected, "He doesn't know what daycare is". I hate this dumbing down of my son. It is assumed he's never heard the word before, exchanged in adult conversation, or over the phone, and that he's incapable of picking things up or figuring it out. Kids are soo, so, so much smarter than most adults give them credit for. I have always talked to my son with respect for his intelligence, and I do the same for other children as well. What they don't know immediately, they pick up and every child needs to feel challenged and stimulated.

My son misses me. And I miss him so much. I told him what toys I'd bought for him and he was excited to hear about it. I know he remembers the flashing lights shoes and rubber boots. And he said "Pooh?!!" when I told him I'd bought him a Pooh bear and some Winnie-the-Pooh music.

He started shaking a shaker when I began to sing with him.

He needs me so badly, and I feel so awful for him. After everything he has been through.

And why the hell do I have to remind my aunt not to argue with me in front of my son? She started trying to argue my son doesn't know what "daycare" is and that's a conversation she can have with me out of his hearing. I know my son doesn't like what's going on but I have seen how he has become frightened to express displeasure, probably because he's worried that someone will just leave him if he does. Knowing my family, they probably WOULD leave the room, to teach him a lesson, and it just heightens his anxiety. This poor boy doesn't know what he did wrong.

My son is NOT the same, and he is not where he was before, "now that he's been in my aunt's care". CPS tries to claim he wasn't talking and now he's average or normal. He's not. They're idiots. I am going to write out some of the records I kept of his development and what he was doing before. He's still not doing the same things.

He wasn't damaged by me. He was damaged by doctors and whatever was going on with us, which CPS tries to ignore. In the last hearing, I discovered several medical records were "missing" from CPS records. All of the ones which prove something bad happened to me and my son in childbirth and that there were problems and negligence by medical professionals. They were also missing the records which showed my son was rated as emotionally well-adjusted,happy, and healthy. They also claimed not to have knowledge that my son was in the 90th percentiles for height and weight until he was REMOVED from my care.

My son isn't even growing as well anymore.

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