Tuesday, September 16, 2008

That English Accent & Congrats To Prince William

I've met a lot of Britons and Australians lately, and I probably notice more now because of my increasing interest in England's Royal Family (so late, this interest!). I played "Bizarre Love Triangle" twice in a row last night at work. I had meant to only play it once, but hit it twice when I was trying to select another song. My coworker, who likes Slayer, didn't appreciate it. He made some comment about "80s songs", like, "That's from the 80s" to which I replied, "That's right. The 80's are back--I'm BRINGING them back!" So I laughed with a customer as he went around the corner, and we plotted to enter in some more 80s songs to the jukebox. I asked him, "What's the most 80's music you can think of?" and he said "Heart and Soul", so I entered that one, and "Eternal Flame" by The Bangles, and "Lost In Your Eyes" by Debbie Gibson, and Wham's "Wake Me Up (before you Go-Go)". Haha!

The worst part of it, was that I did this to my friend on his birthday. It was his birthday, and he had a sinus infection besides, but he got a little smirk on his face when he realized what I'd done. And then played Slayer. The customer and I were laughing so hard, and at Debbie Gibson's sweet voice, he said, "This is probably driving him crazy!"

Just a little bit ago, a man with an English accent sat at my table. Such a great guy! Married, so he was just truly getting a table and working, and I was looking up stuff about the Fiat Uno or whatever, and then asked if I could interrupt. I asked him where he was from and when he said England, I was glad because I sometimes confuse Australian and English accents and I really wanted to ask someone, who was from England, what they thought about Diana's death--accident or no? and he was happy to talk with me and mentioned his mother, who sounds like such fun. I guess his mother talks about it all the time, sometimes irrationally, he said, and she's convinced she was murdered. So we discussed some things and possibilities, and I told him I felt so out of the loop because I became interested so late in all of this. Even in Diana, period. I never paid attention before, and always followed Mother Theresa more (at least in my youth) and then realized Diana was an amazing woman in her own right. Yesterday I was looked through two books: Simone DeBouvoire (msp) and one about Diana but I only got a 1/4 through because we weren't allowed to read there without purchasing the book (so I'll have to go to Borders!). I don't know where the library is yet. The book by Simone was her own autobiography, which also sounds very interesting.

It was so nice to discuss things with this guy, and then he informed me, only a half hour after it seems news broke, that Prince William was taking on an assisgnment to fly Search and Rescue helicopters. So he keeps up a bit too! We had been talking about how well-adjusted and "normal" William and Harry seem to be, despite everything. And then he brought up the news. I read the article while he still sat here, and then the man had to go. He said his brother is also doing this program, so maybe his brother and William will be in it together. I hope so, because if this man's brother is anything like him, I think William would probably like his company.

Congratulations to William on his new job. I hope he has a lot of fun! and that it is fulfilling.

Oh, and this guy, he said he was in England when this happened, and that it just "shut down". I asked what he meant by that, and he said everything just went quiet. Even the t.v. programs quit. Everything was taken off the air except very sad music. He said England was in a state of shock and the grief was palpable. He said, even still, it is clear England loves Diana and that she is still kept close to their hearts. He said she will continue to live in a sense and I think it's true.

People will discover her, just as I have, long after was walking the earth.

I hope the mystery will be solved though. This guy said it probably never will, that it'll be like a JFK thing. Which is probably true, because something like this is upper-level work. This guy said his mother believes it's more someone in the paternal side of the family who was afraid of what Diana might say next, about Charles, or the royal family, and he said his mother believes MI6 cooperated to carry it out. I asked about the land mines and her discoveries there and he said that probably wasn't as much of a threat, because land mines were already old, and it wasn't an immediate money interest really.

I suppose, what Diana's fears were, were not directly over the land mine or arms industry, but a part of her family. As horrible as it would be to wonder, especially being a relative...I mean, how would it be to be Harry or William? yet, if Diana thought this, and this was her main fear, it's something to consider.

I absolutely know, from sorting through just the little bit of what I've read, that she wasn't delusional or paranoid. She was onto something, and more than one thing.

And she was beginning to prove she was gaining strength, that she was gaining confidence in speaking up and using her own voice. She had everyone's attention. So, hmmm. Now I'm thinking, again, I just don't know. On one hand, one party would want people to think the motive is with the family, and use a statement made by Diana to justify this, when this may or may not be the case. Once I have my own problems resolved, I would like to look into this whole thing. I don't know why, and everyone else is doing it, I suppose, but I would like to look into the land mine records and things, and read up more about the evidence from the inquest and other things which were said to have gone missing. I know I am just another woman who identifies with Diana, but I sort of feel a different kind of connection, like, maybe I sort of understand her a little bit and know what she went through, to some degree because I've experienced a lot of the same (even not being a princess or subjected to the public eye and certain demands, or upbringing). There's something there though. I think I may intuit correctly. One thing I noticed later, and was happily surprised by, was that I guessed perhaps her sons had an artistic nature themselves and they both do! I had heard or read of harry's paintings, but didn't know william actually declared, at one point, a desire to be a professional actor. and i think he's done some painting as well. These are fairly significant things, to me, because they were guesses which had some merit, and I had no foreknowledge.

If I can straighten my own things out, which I probably never can, but at least get through it enough, I think I'd like to see if I could unravel a little bit more of the mystery and rediscover some things. Maybe.

Hey, it's worth a shot, right? I must not be that bad at research, if I've been targeted myself and gone through all the things I've had to endure, including torture of me and my son, and his removal from my care, after falsely constructed medical records, and harassment. I think I am a threat--and I think it's in the best possible way. I'm thorough and I am passionate. Someday. Maybe I'll just do a little reading here and there and then delve in further when I've more time. I don't think I'll ever be able to prove what happened to me and my son happened. If it was electromagnetic, which is what most professionals have said it was most likely to have been, to be able to get onto the computer by detecting a pulse (for a desktop), it may not even be possible to get a diagnostic from teeth enamel because that kind of radiation is different. I did keep nail clippings from myself and my son, but my car was forced to be abandoned in Canada. Our nails had been warped, and there was nothing wrong wth our nutrition, because anyone could testify my fridge and cupboards were full and that we ate. My son was at a superior height and weight for his age group. I bought most of the food for my son at an organic store called "Bear Foods" in Chelan, Washington.

But the only things I saved were nail clippings and some hair strands. I may still have hair around, somewhere, in my belongings, before I went to Canada and began smoking pot, which would prove I never tried any drugs or pot when it was alleged the hospital found "THC" in my blood and diagnosed me with cannabis abuse. I'd never been around it, or done it, in my life, and it was a confabulation. In general, I don't think I'll be able to prove it.

Except for another fact: I'm not having my periods and my son lost his speech at the same time, and he has been prevented from having diagnostics and I was also denied medical care in my state.

At any rate, I know she would be proud of William's choice of job. I know she is also proud of Harry.

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