Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A Thoughtful Honeypot

My life gets stranger as time goes by. Life is never dull with me! I take that back...I am very dull, but my situations and the circumstances I find myself in are not.

I met this guy from a country I won't name, who has tea with the VP of the whole country every day, who owns several businesses, and who knows, mabye does drug deals on the side. How should I know?

I warned him, if you hang out with me, don't think you're not being watched. He laughed. "No one is watching you!" like it was the funniest thing that anyone could be interested in me in any way. I told him this was a heavily surveilled town and he just laughed it off.

Very funny comment from a man last night: "Good luck getting to the seventh floor." I can't say what this refers to, but it was funny.

So this guy says he's never going to see me again because he goes back to his country tonight, and he just tells me all kinds of stuff, about the big house, the government, the VP of the country and people he knows, his family contacts (his family is big over there and he doesn't tell his family about his latest venture bc he's dealing with corrupt people and they'd disapprove) , and about the corruption and how he's going to make the end justify the means in a new venture. He even talks about killing Presidents, jokingly, but says he'd kill his own president before ours. I said he shouldn't say things like this because he doesn't know who is listening. And he thinks he's fine and safe, when he just told me how he discovered his phone had been taped in his country and he has to communicate with associates other ways and can't take calls from the government house anymore. I'm saying gov. house because I don't want to give him away, or what country he's from, so basically, it's like our "White House".

He speaks Spanish, and is on the phone with this guy from his country and asks me to repeat into the phone, in English: "The package is coming from Washington D.C." And I did. "The package is coming from Washington D.C."

I already saved this guy's you-know-what because he wanted to do something that could have really cost him, in the future, and I persuaded him to take another course. I was looking out for him, even if I could have done something to serve my own interests, at least hoping I might. Well, I wouldn't have wanted to, but some people would and how does he know who would be willing? So I protected him from himself.

I kept telling him not to be so sure he wasn't being monitored. He just seemed to think this was the funniest thing ever. WHO would be interested in you?! he laughed. He said, "I KNOW you're not CIA." I asked him how he knew and he laughed and said, because the CIA wouldn't let their people drink on the job...Unless it's your cover." He just thought it was hilarious. I even told him I like to write and that I might write about him. He laughed. I said, after repeatedly warning him, "Okay, don't say I didn't warn you--I've given you fair notice!" and I just let him talk.

He asked what my name was short for. I lied and gave him a different name. Right before I was leaving, he found my driver's license. He said, "Your name is different from what you told me, or it's pronounced differently or something."

He says this, after we've had a talk about when it's justified to lie and when it's not justified. I had laughed and said how did he know I wasn't lying to him about a number of things and this was when he brought up intelligence.

So he looks at me, asking about my name and says he thought I had said it was short for something else. I said, "Yeah. I lied." I smiled sweetly. He just stares at me.

Then he wanted to know where an electronics store was.

He picked me out from the crowd, not the other way around. He goes on hunting safaris to Africa, and has been to every country in the world practically. My friends were wide-eyed as he told them about hunting hippos and lions and crocodile. Then he' discussing best places to ski and do all kinds of other activities and his family owns houses in the U.S. and elsewhere I guess. I guess why I'm mentioning this, is he really seemed to think he could go to another country and that he could have all these things going on, and not be under a watchful eye. Most of the private stuff, he told me, at least he thought he was telling me, in private.

He told me to take his phone number, "In case you come to _____________________________________" (his country). I said, "I'm not."

So he says he'll take my number and I gave it to him. It was when he was entering my number that he started asking me about my real name.

I just didn't see the point in giving my real name. Number one, it freaks people out to find out who I am and number two, it doesn't really matter. He's going back to his country and I knew that from the first. We were all just hanging out. Number three, I'm not the sort who is going to be impressed by money and status. Interested, yes. But it's not going to make me fall at someone's feet, or try to be a challenge so they want me more, or start doing things with the thought of profiting myself. If I fall for someone, I fall for them, and he for me. It's not going to be about what they do, althought that's interesting I won't lie, but who they are and if we are intellectually and otherwise compatible, have chemistry, and feel an emotional connection. It could happen with someone with 3-5 big business, or it could happen with someone who works at a garage.

Yeah, I could use help with paying for a lawyer, but when it comes down to it, I always go back to loving my freedom of choice more. I guess. I don't know really.

If I were ony getting paid. This guy was a gentleman, and seemed to have pretty good principles but you just never know.


  1. HA! I can't believe I just wasted 5 minutes of my life, that I'll never get back, reading your blog! I think it's funny you said you couldn't tell him your real name because he would freak out if he found out who you were...get over yourself lady, you're nothing but a whiner with an overactive imagination. Go ahead, rant and rave and tell me how stupid I am for not "believing" in your make believe world. It's ok....

  2. What's even more unbelievable is that you just wasted another "5 minutes" spending the time to respond to my blog.

    I would agree that this is very stupid.

    There is nothing stupid about not giving him my "real name." I didn't claim to be doing it for reasons of celebrity, but infamy, as I have actually had problems even in another country, when they assumed, by discovering my "real name" that I was guilty of the things listed in an article which was written about me. I have proof and evidence of the consequences of defamation, and if I choose to keep some of my personal details to myself, because I'll never see someone again, this is my prerogative.

    As for overactive imagination, everything I wrote happened, did happen. It makes no difference to me, whatever, that you choose to spend your 10 minutes unwisely, based on assumptions which were ill-conceived.

    On the anniversary of Sept. 11th, of all things.

    You must have a very active social and political life.
