Wednesday, September 24, 2008

TTSOML #85: Fax Machine Fries Three Times (in Oregon & Washington)

Before I moved to Washington state, my fax machine fried twice in Oregon. I had to replace my fax machine. Well, first time, it was new, and so brand new, they fixed it. They said it was just "fried" is what the tech said and he didn't know how it happened.

The second time my fax fried it was right after the FBI guys were in my apartment, and towards the end of litigation with the Catholic church. I was trying to get something important out, and you could file, by law, through "fax service". So, since you have to first give copies of your document which you want to file with the court, to all parties, I often used my fax to save money and legwork.

I had just bought a new fax, and it "fried". It wasn't old and it "fried" in exactly the same manner as my first fax had fried, when I was directly trying to call an Abbey law office number or someone was calling in to the fax from an outside number. Oh, now I remember, it was when someone called from the outside, because I started calling *69 to find out who it was. One time that it fried, the number I called led back to New Jersy or New York. I couldn't figure out what that was about. I think that was the third time my fax fried.

THEN, it happened AGAIN, in Washington state, the exact same thing, after I was getting ready to file a case against the medical professionals in Wenatchee, especially against the doctor who injured me and my son, and the hospital which was writing all kinds of crap about me into their charts and refusing to redact their slander. The main attorney on the case, I found out, was Roman Catholic. First I got Lewis Card, and then I got Deener (I'll have to check his name). I found out, by doing some research, that the second lawyer I got was connected to Knights of Columbus and from Idaho, from a strict Catholic family. It was after I tried to fax something to his offices that my brand new fax (third one) which I hadn't used at ALL yet, fried.

I had told Christa that I'd been using the fax. I was already given enough reason to believe she was bad news. So by the time I was in Washington, I didn't let her know, but I kept in touch with her still, just to get more info on her and feed her incorrect info and see how it came out on the other end.

So I told her I'd had this fax forever. She asked a lot of questions about it. She even asked me how I had it connected. She wanted to know if it was connected to my computer and how it was plugged in. Because I'd told her it was in use all the time, she would have thought that it would be difficult to know who could target the machine, if the number had been given out so often. She wanted to know if I only had one phone line and if I used this for the fax. I believe I told her I had two different lines because I didn't want her to know the truth.

The only part I lied about, was I let her think I'd been using the fax a lot. And I HAD purchased it months earlier but hadn't used it. She even wanted to know where I bought it.

So when I finally used the fax, I only faxed THREE parties. One was my social worker, through Wenatchee's Department of Health and Social Services (I was already having problems with them, and my social worker's name was Tina Thornton and she told me she wasn't related to the FBI supervisor I talked to in Oregon, Julia Thornton). The SECOND party I faxed, was the law offices for the hospital in Wenatchee that I was planning to take legal action against. The third party I faxed was, I believe, a party for Verizon. I can't remember though. It was a rep about something to do with my phone or medical...actually, I think it was my state insurance company rep. I think that was it. I had talked to her at length. I had discounted them. I'm absolutely sure there were only three parties though.

Only two parties had my fax number and knew I was connected. It was only after I'd faxed these two parties, that someone knew I was using my phone line for the fax line, and only these parties knew WHEN I would have the phone line connected to the fax. I don't know how someone can fry a fax this way, but my feeling was that the other end had to know when I was somehow connected.

Fax machine Number Three fried within minutes of trying to contact the Dept. and trying to contact the Wenatchee law offices. I had only told THEM when and how long I would be connected. And they alone had my fax number.

Because this kind of electronic crap was happening in Oregon first, this is why I fully believe it's connected to stuff that began in Oregon, and followed to Washington. And it is my feeling that regardless of who was later included or involved in harassment of me, the damages done to my son and me came from the same group, or the hatred they had for me, was used to spread misinformation and propoganda to some other group, to carry out their dirty work.

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