Wednesday, September 24, 2008

TTSOML #86: Process of Elimination

After my third fax fried, I TOLD Christa about it. I told her I knew it was someone connected to either the Dept. of Washington or to the Wenatchee hospital, through the lawyer's offices. Oh, now I'm remembering. There was one other party. I believe it was Verizon. My phone people, or, as I added to that last "fried fax" post, it could have been a rep for my state health insurance plan. I faxed something to them that they were going to fax back to me. But I discounted them which is why I didn't remember there were 3 total parties who had knowledge of my fax info that day, the same day I both used my fax for the first time, and it was fried. I figured they wouldn't have anything to do with anything. I remember I had faxed something to a rep who was going to get back to me. Still, why did Christa care how I was connected? Only then did I tell her how. I told her I had one phone line and that the first time I'd used that fax was THAT DAY.

Process of Elimination Baby.

I think she, and her friends, knew their time was up. Soon enough, so they decided to take it up a notch. But, I'll get back to the litigation stuff and follow it through, in a linear fashion, to what happened with the FBI and then my move to Washington state.

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