Wednesday, September 24, 2008

TTSOML #90: Catholic Influence In U.S. Intelligence

This is going totally out of order of the litigation and what happened with me, but it sort of follows the comments of my last posts. When I started hearing some of the stupid things coming out of the mouths of the plaintiff's attorneys, in Oregon, I began to wonder what was going on. I wondered about Kennedy. If he simply didn't know his stuff or if he purposefully was screwing things up. And I wondered about Gatti. Gatti was a baptized Catholic who sort of did damage to me, and I wondered about the sincerity of his "born again" claim. I just wondered about some of these guys.

After the two FBI guys assaulted me, and knowing THEY were Catholic, and in the middle of bizarre profiling by police, I had some questions. I started to wonder what the influence of the Catholic church was, within U.S. intelligence. Mainly, the FBI and CIA.

I know there is supposed to be separation of church and state, but I'd seen little of that in the past few years, since my involvement with the Abbey.

I assumed, probably rightly, that I ran into a lot of Catholic members mainly because quite a few tend to go into professions like law or law enforcement, usually for good reasons, to effect positive change for society. Yet, after my experiences, I have to believe some of them are not as interested in effecting change for society, but that their church may just come first, if put to the test.

So it was after the bankruptcy in Oregon was over and a new one was begun in Spokane, and I was living in Washington state, that I began to question intelligence.

I sincerely did NOT have a particular problem with Catholic church members, but like I say, it was always these members that seemed to hate ME or think I was out to destroy their church or something. I didn't care about that. I would have pursued the same course if I had landed in similiar circumstances with a Protestant, Jewish, Muslim, or other church. It just so happened that I fell into these things.

What I first noticed was that the U.S. CIA "World Factbook" lists The Vatican (a country) as being totally neutral, without any political interests. It's the only country they list this way. I wondered how other countries described the same country. I went to the British site and looked it up. In the British version of the world factbook, The Vatican is treated like any other country, and certain interests, political and otherwise, are listed.

I wondered why the U.S. deems "The Vatican" to be completely politico-free. At least, why the CIA, in particular, lists it this way.

So I started looking further. I figured the Irish conflict might shed some light on things. In both the U.S. and in Britain, we are in agreement that "terrorism is bad". So who are the terrorists? There is a list, I found out.

In Britain, every single group, Protestant AND Catholic, affiliated with the Irish troubles, is listed. There is no difference. Protestant and Catholic groups are on the terrorism list, which means, basically, that any monetary support going to such a group is deemed to be support of terrorism.

I looked at the groups listed by the United States of America, out of curiousity. What I found was that every Protestant group is listed, but one of the Catholic groups is off the list. One of the branches of the IRA is NOT on the terrorism list, which means Americans can give money to this group freely and support it, because it's not considered to be a terrorist group.

I wondered why Britain and the U.S. have differing opinions on the neutrality of certain Catholic groups.

So then I started to wonder what the percentage is, of Catholics, within, for example, the FBI and the CIA. I wondered if it was proportionate with the U.S. population. In America, most states, aside from Bible states, boast a population of perhaps 20-30% Catholic members within the state. I wondered if this was how it was also reflected within intelligence.

I know, as everyone else does, that just because someone is of a particular religion, it doesn't mean they cannot be fair. But because The Vatican is a country, and the Pope is the head of the church and also of the country, when it comes down to it, I think some Catholics would choose the U.S., and others would choose the Vatican. Especially if The Vatican is holding the keys to heaven, and if one is partularly conservative or very sincere in their beliefs. I am not at all saying someone who is Catholic cannot be a good neutral intelligence person, but simply because of all the things that happened to me and how so many people were getting away with it, it made sense for me to look more closely at how it was even possible to begin with. How were so many people getting coverage to do these things? Especially when I had appealed to the FBI for help, and then I hear even some group within the DOJ is being dishonest.

It could be argued how can someone be Jewish and not in allegiance with Israel, but I think it's slightly different. No one in Israel is purporting to be the head of the whole "church" or synogogue and claiming obedience is summary to obedience to their savior.

So I was looking at these things. And not just looking, but asking. I told Christa about some of my findings, prior to what happened with my son and me. By the way, Christa and her family are baptized Catholic and her father used to work for the DOJ in Portland, Oregon, as an attorney. I have no idea what their other connections may be.

I began to look at who has been in high positions within the CIA and FBI. I read about the history of the CIA, which has contained a fair share of former SS men who were also Catholic. I also remembered how the Catholic church had hired a high ranking FBI official to head up their "accountability" department with regards to handling the child sex abuse litigation crisis. The woman they employed was something like 3rd in line to the top of the FBI. I believe a Laurie or Laura something or other. I thought this seemed like a good way of keeping investigation from the FBI out of the Catholic church. When you have someone who is that high ranking, heading up your accountability department, who within the FBI would challenge her or dare to question?

Then, right about the same time, I noticed a newspaper headline about how the FBI had a new recruitment program, where it was offering a sort of course in prep to join the FBI. It offered this program at a variety of secular colleges, and then the only religious colleges it was offered at, were Catholic colleges. One, for example, was an all-women's Catholic college out of Maryland. I would guess, every single recruit coming from this private college, is going to be Catholic. One could assume.

Again, not that there's anything WRONG with this. But why was the same program not being offered at all-Islamic colleges, or Jewish ones, or Evangelical Protestant colleges?

I had, and still have some questions about who is running the intelligence in this country.

When I last looked, I noted several of those who have highest ranking positions are also members of the Catholic church. Again, this doesn't mean anything in and of itself. But because I noticed so many are from this particular church, it also makes me wonder, once again, what the proportion it equal to the average American demographic? If not, does this make a difference? Probably not, but if the numbers are increased, it also increases the chance that someone within is able to control or exert influence, even religious influence, by using either a common religion to influence others, or cover for others.

And policies and recommendations always come from within, don't they?

I would add, I had no interest in these things, until what happened with me, and what continues to happen. How is it possible, without someone or some persons at the wheel? What has happened to me has taken concerted and prolonged effort, and it has involved a number of individuals, and most often, those with connections to government, law enforcement, and intelligence. So my a fair one to ask, I would think.

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