Saturday, October 25, 2008

Blogger Duplicates & Return of Master

I just now, somehow, got my blogger "back". I was missing the ability to edit HTML, missing my "link" button, and all the controller qualities and as I was writing on blogger, I suddenly got this version back. I have two different forms of blogger on my computer right now. One is the one missing all the stuff I used to have, and the other format has everything I used to have. I couldn't access it before.

One minute I was sitting here typing on the first format of blogger, and the next minute the second format popped up onto my screen. This is the first time I've had the original format back since the computer problems in Wenatchee. And I didn't do anything to get the original format back either. I didn't hit any buttons.

I got it back while typing one of my entries, and listening to "Ur So Gay" by Katy Perry.

I wasn't able to access the control of my blogger before this, and couldn't see who was reading my blog, from which countries and how many people were typing searches. I was completely cut out of being the "master". And now, it's suddenly back?

I'd like to know why. I'd like to know where it went in the first place and why it's only back TODAY.

The format I've had, has a centered square at the lefthand corner, and it's orange (the blogger insignia). The other one that just popped back up has little blue stars across the top border and a lopsided square for the blogger logo and it's blue, not orange.

How about my son now?

That's what I'd like to see back, no strings attached.

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