Thursday, October 23, 2008


I need to take a break. My tailbone hurts and I need to just a take a little break anyway. But I already took a long nap today, so I'll write some more tonight. I'm doing my best to get this out and finished ASAP.

Thank you to anyone who is reading, who believe me, and might be able to help. I may have some "issues" after all these years, but I'm not delusional, and I have a long memory. I don't exaggerate either. I'm telling the truth. Even the truth about when I lied. So this is all the straight truth. Someone, I hope, will help turn this around for me and my son.

If it's dangerous for me, and it has been, it is for others. Maybe others quit and that's why I've been targeted, for not quitting and being willing to expose things, but I hope the bad people are caught and that I'm vindicated and my son returned. Someone needs to use the better info and technology they have to do all the things I cannot and make connections I can't make. No one should be intimidated, persecuted, and tortured, in the U.S., or anywhere else, without those responsible being tracked down and held accountable. Otherwise, it will all soon be chaos and no one will be able to speak freely.


  1. hi Cameo, this is the first time i have ever been on your blog and to tell the truth, untill now i didnt even know what a blog was. But I have been thinkin bout you alot lately and just wanted to let you know that i miss you and i love you. fyi..i have no idea whats going on with anything so dont think anyone put me up to this. This message is all me with no outside influence. I rarely talk to Mom or Dad about you cause to be honest its just to depressing. just so you know i will not be reading your blog and i only got on here to contact you. Also i wanted to wish you a belated happy birthday! i cant believe that we are in our 30's! I guess the good thing is that we have 60 more years to i hope you have a good day and if you want to contact me just send me an email at dont check it very often but its probly the easiest to reach me. anyways..Love you

  2. I haven't heard from you, practically, for over 3 years after I tried several times to stay in touch. You have known what has been going on and made no attempt to contact me at any time.
    It's only after you and mom and dad start figuring out I may not be a nutcase after all, and I'm starting to make sense, with what I write on this blog, that you contact me.

    Mom and Dad wrote, after ignoring my calls and requests for help: "Happy Birthday" and "Love you". I told them to fuck off. To send a little Hallmark phrase after being entirely absent, and also a part of the attempt to have someone else adopt my son, taking that right to be a mother from me, is disgusting.

    I don't think your efforts are much better. I care about you more than I care about them, because you are my little brother and I remember how it was for you too, with them. But I have asked for your email in the past, and you refused to give it to me, and I've called and you cut the calls short. You have not sent even one card, or note, for my son, and not one gift, before, during, or after my pregnancy, and now he is 2.

    I'm trying to figure out why it takes my family over 3 years to "miss me". As for love, I don't think any of you know what that is.
