Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Cannot Concentrate

I fell asleep early last night but got up early to write TTSOMLs and, for the life of me, I cannot concentrate. My usual get-going songs are not so effective right now. I just find myself picking at my nails and singing along to the songs instead of typing.

I don't feel very inspired to write images either. But, I guess I could try and then move onto other work.

morning turns his baseball cap
rim facing forward as he walks in the door
past the garbage bins and can and blocking my view
of a dumpster
just beyond the doors--gray steel, metal bars
inbetween the leaves of trees,
tiny yellow daylight stars
i am behind the glass, as the workers
come in and out and smile passing by
typing away to the hum of the heater,
i have a headache and coffee hasn't cured it.
light from the outside doors falls across the concrete to my door
my red carpet , my startrek beam, between the workers and me
as I sit behind the glass
less money now than i had when i was 16
richer than before
eyes to see
ears to hear
they speak hot or cold about me
which is better probably,
i like them hot or cold
dressing in multiple layers, uncertain of
the weather, is such a drag...man
the door is opened wider and my narrow
carpet disappears
the concrete floor is...wall to wall carpeting now?
why do they call it a
red carpet when it's not a carpet,
any dealer will tell you, it's a rug
rolling out the red rug
i guess, just isn't good enough
i now have a full view of the dumpster, now that the doors have been opened to me
i know what I'M doing this morning!
dumpster dive!
might pick up on workers wearing baseball caps today too
i like to fish, but i always
throw my catches back before
they begin to gasp for air
i could take you home and eat you for dinner
i know,
but instead i choose to hook
and release
women like to play a game now and then
now the garbage guys have come and they're taking away my leftovers
the stray cats will be so angry
no more fish for them
okay, i don't usually eat fish for dinner, but on occasion...
trash away, here goes another can
it looks like christmas these colors...forest green can
bright red truck with flashing lights
the back of this garbage truck sort of looks
like an art display
the guy is looking at me now...wowww
crushed...not him, the garbage
they have a crusher
rolling the cans away--that rolling sound
why does high roller come to mind?
now this guy doesn't know i'm writing and
just thinks i'm eyeing him
ooooo, oooo...the crusher is up now
and i get to watch a big box go down
another baseball cap
awww. the door has been closed again, one of them
and now i am back to my
red rug
the sanitation guys rolled out the red rug for me today
and it has made me smile
i wonder what kinds of crazy things they find
in other people's trash.
you know that these garbage men are the
salty spies of the earth
hey, we have another spectator
a woman in pajamas who came out for a look
why in the world would anyone leave
their warm bed to come out in
PJs and watch the garbage truck?
i guess she wants to be sure her
things are crushed properly
oh, she's getting new furniture from another truck
a man with a black baseball cap is vaccuming my rug now
rug...hmmm...rolling out the red rug
someone nixed the alliterative elements
all the dealers from india, pakistan, morocco, turkey, greece, iran, and elsewhere
have been so angry with hollywood
for screwing things up
do you know how many times a day they have to correct someone
on the difference between a carpet and a rug?!
the furniture guy is pissed too, because when he's moving in
the items, they're saying "on the rug" when they mean the carpet
and it's backbreaking work
hollywood is to blame for thinking rug has too much of an "uuggh" sound
it's like saying "wealthy" instead of "rich"
man with a package
big package coming my way now...
it's delivery day and pick up day and i've so many things on my mind
a pick up here,
a delivery there...
things become complicated so very fast
i'll bet all these guys who are stepping into my symbolism
just wanted to go to the field today and play a game of baseball
i am the fish in the bowl that nobody can catch
not to keep at least. i'll bite your hook and your arm and pole
to save all my shining eggs and babies

wow, the sun just got so bright, the reflection from the concrete is blinding. someone turned on a light. i'm listening to "unforgetable" by nat and his daughter and trying to think whether i should write another image. really, the last thing was more like rambling thoughts, but that's what i felt like doing. i've a major headache and tons of work to do today

kensingston came to mind and i looked it up but i don't know what i would write. the word just came to mind so now i'm thinking of what to write next. i think i'm going to move onto my ttsomls now. i need some advil or something first though

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