Sunday, October 5, 2008

Placement with Jewish Family: Demands to CPS and the State Regarding My Son

I am going to be requesting the State remove my son from the Avila family, for several reasons:

1. They believe in, and practice, corporal punishment, which is not something I condone. The entire Baird family has a history of using corporal punishment and the Avila children will not be able to lie, under oath, and say otherwise;

2. My aunt has had her own agenda from the start and not been interested in my son's best interests. She has gone out of her way to disrupt the bond between me and my son;

3. I plan to get the father of my son involved, and his extended family involved in this matter, and the father and I have always been on good terms and he will stand by me, as will his hispanic and Mexican friends;

4. My aunt is not equipped mentally to handle a young child;

5. My aunt's parenting philosophies are absolutely against my own philosophies. She believes in prayer before medicine; in throwing my son into daycare against my wishes; she is uneducated and ignorant to the culteral, artistic, and musical interests of my son; she is a fundamental religious zealot who practices christianity and has effectively brainwashed all her children to ignore college for the pursuit of going to missionary school after high school. She is involved in cult-like activities, and all her children went to the same college, which practices "speaking in tongues" and holy-roller lifestyles. This is directly against and opposes my religious and philosophical beliefs.

6. I wish to have my son placed in a stable and very physically affectionate Jewish home. I do not consent to have my son raised by religious of any other form, and it is okay if he is placed temporarily with reform or conservative Jews. My religious beliefs align more with Judaism and I am so absolutely discusted by the actions of those within the "christian" sect (Catholic and Protestant), it grieves me to have my son subjected to the same brainwashing. I also would not agree to have my son placed with the Kyle Flick family, a lawyer one of my aunts worked for who was as much bad news as the Bairds, who defended my uncle against assaulting me.

I am the mother, and my son should be with me. In the interim, I demand another suitable placement until he is back in my care.

This is a violation of not only my civil rights, on various levels, but of my religious beliefs.

My son is not a ward of the state. He is my son and there has been no permanent termination. The state has deliberately ignored my medical, philosphical, parental, and religious beliefs, and wishes for my son, all of which, on my end, are sound and in his best interests. I do not want my son to have anything to do with a family from the Christian community.

Finally, if this Judge knows what's best for HIM, AND for my son, he will immediately reinstate the phone visitation.

I demand visitation with my son, and I will not be taking any "one-way bus tickets" to Washington. I demand a scheduled visitation and I will be flying out on a RT ticket to see my son.

(and lining up my lawyer and other support in the meantime)

I don't have issues with the Muslim or Jewish people, but I do with the "christians" that have stood by and done nothing but toot their own horns and wreck havoc in my and my son's lives. I was already practicing my own alternative religion and spirituality with my son, and this was disrupted.

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