Sunday, October 26, 2008

For Canada

If anyone from Canada is reading about all these things that have happened to me, while my case may be bizarre and unusual, involving elements of government and other things, I hope, in the future, that if anyone from Wenatchee, or claiming a need for asylum from this region, is given an automatic pass. That place is unwell, and I hope Canada will understand it wasn't just about Paul, or just about me. There is a character deficiency there. I just hope no one has to go through what I've gone through, and that exceptions will be made and someone will look a little more closely at WHO is making the allegations.

I believe I may have lost on the statute of limitations, for securing any relief for my damages. I, at least, have hope for my son, that his statutes have not expired. Which makes me wonder if this is not why CPS is trying so hard to disrupt the bond, so they can attempt to permanently terminate my parental rights with this excuse, and save their town and doctors from any lawsuit at all. They know my aunt and uncle will not sue and they know I will.

If there is one reason to stay in the country, now, it is to get justice for my son.

Everything that happened to me can be used to prove it is likely my son also suffered.

Then again, while I think the people of Canada are wonderful, I believe things were set up ahead of me. I told Christa, and she believed I would go to Canada for asylum if it came down to it and they knew people with connections there. Obviously, her friend Karin, who was connected to the Abbey lawyers as well, had family in government, I believe, in Canada. And what of Russ Radi? how did he, in particular, come about taking my case there? and depriving me of the right to have the Queen's Counsel lawyer I'd seen represent me? they wanted me to go with their own lawyers, and not the guy I saw who said I was there legally. I was refused the right to have him represent me, and to even contact a lawyer at one point. And, I was told by the guards, the instructions came from Radi.

To be fair to Radi, he told me he wanted to do something "special" for me and my son but he'd have to run it by his supervisor and his supervisor nixed it. So if that's true, it's possible it was whoever was above Radi that had the agenda.

I try to be as fair as possible, and don't want fault laid where it may be wrong, although Radi I think was the one who said I couldn't contact a lawyer when I tried from jail. I was trying to get ahold of the Queen's Counsel guy.

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