Thursday, October 30, 2008

Letter From Catholic Man Whose Priest Had Affair With His Wife

Below is a recent letter I received from a man whose wife was seduced and engaged in an affair with a Benedictine priest she sought marriage counseling from. I just recently got permission to reprint this publicly, with the agreement that I would edit and redact any identifying or incriminating information:


I plan on meeting with the Abbott again at St. (REDACTED) Abbey some time next week. My question to the Abbott this time will be: "Abbott (REDACTED), when I post the emails and other innopropiate notes sent between Fr. (REDACTED) and my ex wife on the Internet, how many other men out there will say the say thing happened to them?" Then I will wait and see what his answer is. Then I will be able to decide whether to allow you to post my notes. I truly respect you for asking me first whether to post my note or not. Remember this......... Trials in life may be Gods way of asking us to prove our Faith. Have a great weekend,

cam huegenot wrote: sure, thanks. i just checked this today. i got a death threat yesterday at work, but nothing changes. i've been dealing with this kind of crap for years. i will call pretty soon. i'm still wondering if it's okay to publish parts of your emails here, in my blog, with your permission, if i leave out and redact all identifying info? i won't do it until i get an "okay" from you----------------------------------------> Date: Sun, 5 Oct 2008 11:34:52 -0400>

From: > To:> Subject: RE: same thing happened> > Cameo,> > This is the icing on the cake. While we were married for 15 years, we were seen as the "perfect Catholic family" at our parish. The ex was the Director of Faith Formation and even had a half hour TV show on our local Catholic Life TV station. > > I will have to email you a copy of the letter I sent to the local bishop after she filed for divorce. Oh yeah, after I stopped the relationship with the monk, she began another "friendship" with another man the last 6 months of our marriage. Everyone knew what was going on but the husband, me.> > She then filed for an annulment which took a little over 3 years. It took so long because of all the issues that were involved and I had raised. In the end, even though I felt that I had been betrayed by the lack of accountability by the Diocese administration towards my ex, their star employee, I was finally vindicated by the Tribunal. The Tribunal unanimously confirmed the ex's two unamiasly relationships outside the bonds of marriage. In the end, the Tribunal acknowledged the exact "scandalous and immoral behavior" that I wrote to the local Bishop about. So yes, there are still clergy who are not afraid to do their job and address the Teachings of the Catholic Church.> > I would not be the man I man I am today as well as the father I am today to my two girls, if we stayed married. Had we stayed married, our two girls would have been raised as spitting images of the ex, a controlling, manipulative person that she is. She is a great employee in her "public" life as an employee of the Catholic Church, it is just here "private" life that she has been able to hide. Now that we are divorced, I am able to parent to my girls the way I was taught, that we are held accountable for our actions. The divorce has guaranteed that our girls will never be spitting images of her now.> > Feel free to call (REDACTED).> > I wrote this saying during all of my legal attacks from my ex during the divorce.> > "A real man has no problem SPEAKING the truth, just as a real man has no problem ANSWERING to the truth."> > I am a real man, I just happen to like green eggs and ham!> > Thanks,> >

> > > > > ---- cam huegenot wrote: > > Dear (REDACTED),> > I would love to talk to you more.> > I'm so glad you got ahold of me. I won't publish your name, but I wondered if you would allow me to cut and paste your email here to my blog? for others to read as well? What I would do is cut out the email addresses and your name.> > And I wonder where you are now. It would be fun to get together and talk in person, if possible. I live in D.C., on the East Coast right now. How about you?> > Cameo> ---------------------------------------->> Date: Sat, 4 Oct 2008 00:35:00 -0400>>

From: >> To:>> Subject: RE: same thing happened>> >> My ex-wife began an 'emotional affair" with a Benedictine Monk she met while he was teaching RSI classes at the Diocese. I was totally unaware of the relationship, Then one day I found a folder with intimant emails with poems that they had written each other. That made me realize why they would talk for hours at night, sometimes as late as 10 or 11pm. it was then that I became jealous because she had a better relationship with him than me. She filed for divorce in 2004, all of this happened the last 3 years of the marriage. In hindsight, I see our marriage was already over during those last 3 years, she just forgot to tell me.>> >> About 6 months before she filed, I had enough and decided to call the Monk and end their relationship. I asked him how many Monks at his seminary called married women and talked for hours. Then I stated that he can choose to keep their relationship, and if he chooses that, then I would bring the emails and cell phone records to his Abbott and ask him if this was proper behavior. Or he could drop the nonproprietary relationship and continue to touch the lives of the hundreds of people he made a commitment to God to serve. So, the choice was his, one relationship and fear being exposed, or drop it and keep his "job".>> >> I met with the Abbott about 6 months after the divorce. The Abbott told me that the Monk had told him that there was an angry husband out there that he was "counseling" to, and was worried. So the Abbott told him he should end the "counseling" with this woman. The advice was taken till the Abbott realized that my phone records showed that they kept contact for another 6 months after the Abbott told him to stop.>> >> I could continue to go into much more detail and more information, but I just wanted to touch base and say I too have run into "massive moral cover-up" by this Seminary as well as the Diocese my ex still works for.>> >> I hope I have not rambled too much for you.>> >> (REDACTED NAME)>> >> >> ----

cam huegenot wrote: >> >> hello,>> >> this is correct. sure, i don't have a case anymore, but i did at one time.>> >> what's your position? or, i'd love to talk, just don't know where you're coming from yet.>> >> sorry bc i just got this message tonight.>> >> sincerely,>> >> cameo>> ---------------------------------------->>>

Date: Wed, 1 Oct 2008 13:28:31 -0400>>> From: >>> To:>>> Subject: same thing happened>>> >>> >>> Cameo Garrett,>>> >>> I hope this is a correct address. If you are the woman who has a case against the Monk, I would like to correspond with you.

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