Monday, October 20, 2008

Plans For The Day

Well, I was too tired to do anything when I got home. Other things going on right now. But this is a priority to me so I'm starting early this morning.

I have a small headache but am getting a cup of coffee. So I'll be back. I guess I feel if I write this, at least, I have to follow it up with something.

I had another intuition/premonition thing happen recently but I won't be able to mention it for some time. My objective is to get the TTSOMLs done.

I also need help getting my phone rights back to talk to my son. I'm not going back to Wenatchee, and by the time I finish writing what happened to me and my son there, I think most people will understand. I am not abandoning my son. I am doing what is strategically in his and my best interests, in the long term. It is wrong for Wenatchee CPS to cut off phone rights to coerce me over there so their guy will do the mental health evaluation.

I know what they're up to and now they're going to try to make this an excuse that the "bonding" has ceased and that our bond is disrupted or broken, and that's bullshit. My son needs me as much now as he did 6 months ago, and what they made my son endure is unforgiveable.

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