Sunday, October 26, 2008

Questions About Comments From A Guy

I'm sort of wondering what to make of the following...

Someone I slept with, for the first time, said in the middle of it: "Another one down the hole."

I wondered and didn't want to make much of it but I kept it in the back of my mind.

The next time, afterwards, he asked me to "Give me one of your infamous backrubs". I had never given him a backrub before or told him about anyone I'd given them to, so how were they "infamous"?

Finally, on another occasion, he asked me if I liked Robert Frost and Emily Dickinson, and started quoting from a poem I used to quote from all the time, years and years ago. I never knew him then and I've never mentioned anything about the above authors. In fact, back then, I kept a copy of Robert Frost on the back of the toilet seat, and quoted from it, but didn't discuss with others much. I always quoted the "some say the world will end in fire, some say it will end in ice..." and he started quoting this in unison with me. I also never told many people about Emily Dickinson, because I didn't read her a ton, but I told Christa I went to a lecture/reading about her work once. Well, and I did like her and was fascinated with her life. But by the time he asked me this, I wasn't reading her works anymore at all.

I have some questions. So I finally asked him and he said, to the first, he was probably drunk. The second thing he said was because I give good backrubs, but he didn't know that before I ever gave him one. The last thing, he never answered. I asked him about that on a different occasion.

I would enjoy getting feedback about this. Am I right to have concerns? Or should I blow it off?

The song that came to mind before writing this post was "Sandman" by Metallica. So I played it.

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