Monday, October 27, 2008


sweet peas climb a trellis
tangled with wild roses
city of steam and mist
between the walls
letters, between his forefinger and thumb,
wisp of ghost
pulling this from a candle
from the strings
singing invisible strands
put your hand right here
strings trap trust
put your finger here
a chinese paper game
the tourniquet
if you try to pull away it will only tighten
children laugh
putting out candles with a sizzle of spit
making wreaths of sweet peas and wild roses for their heads
passing notes in class
watching clouds of chalk, thinking of ghosts on halloween
dancing freely to the song
not thinking how things
and tie
giggling to be caught in a game
learning the art of seduction
prelude to Tzu

Other dreams I've had included one where this woman I sort of know, who claims not to have an interest in this guy, had him housesit for her, and in my dream, she cleaned everything top to bottom, so well, it was clear, by the dream, that she was bending over backwards for him, to impress him, and had a thing for him which was secret. They had something going on. I think that's a dream picking up on the subconscious and that it's true. For whatever reason, it has to be this big secret or something. Besides which, women don't try to belittle or degrade other women unless they're trying to disrupt interest from their man. Good friends don't give a rip. They may warn, but they don't feel threatened.

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