Saturday, October 11, 2008

Son's Damages, Teeth (Radiation Caries), & Wenatchee Strategy

This shouldn't be titled a TTSOML, but I included some info, though out of order, that I want to be labled for TTSOML. I just decided to enter this one in this way, because after I wrote the last bit about how the dental assistant found my teeth to have a strange appearance (she said, "what are all these tiny little black marks?" (which were on the surface)) I decided to look up whether radiation or electromagnetic fields could affect teeth or damage them. What I found was that they can, in high enough doses, over periods of time. I also found something about "radiation caries" and am going to read more about this today, because it's the first time I've thought of it--I think: This is how I started out my post today though, and after this one, I'll go back to the timeline and order of what happened after my car was towed, I got it back, and then was back in Wenatchee. (I changed my mind again and just edited to keep this out of TTSOMLs so they're easier to follow, factually. But the below it all true, just like the TTSOMLs)

I was too tired to write yesterday. I had some people ask me to go out, second day in a row, but I'm recovering from a cold, and have all these things on my mind. I am getting back into my "do not disturb" mode, where I'm trying to conserve what I can in order to write out what I need to write and get the TTSOMLs finished. I tried watching RFK "conspiracy" on the History channel last night but was falling asleep. Slept so well I didn't hear my roommate come in, and I usually wake at the key in the lock.

I woke at about 6 a.m. and it was still dark. It was 6:06 and I didn't know if my roommate was around, so, he'll kill me, I called his cell. It started ringing in the room next door. I hung up before he answered. I'd been looking for a key the day before and wanted to call if he wasn't there, to see when he might be home. I guess it was rude of me. I slept then until 8:00 or so and when I woke, I just got up, wearing what I was wearing last night at home, which is what I wore to bed, and what I'm wearing now. I didn't feel like throwing myself together. I didn't even put on my make-up. I just sat up from bed, put on my flip-flops, tied up my hair, and grabbed my computer. Left the house and upon arriving at a cafe after wandering around for directions and crossing freeways, noticed I still have, even now, mattress (or whatever) marks on my left cheek.

UPDATE: it is now 10:39 a.m. 10 or more minutes after making my first post for this morning, I lost "blogger" connection. My computer said it couldn't find "blogger" although there wasn't a total service denial. I could still play youtube and other things. Just no blogger. So I left and went back to my apartments, where I was told a power line was down and electricity partially out. It happened, said a resident, at approximately 9:00 a.m. He said he thought almost exactly. It affected the computers in the building and then when I tried to access the wi-fi, I couldn't get through. It was between their system or "ram" were the only choices. I couldn't log into it and diagnostics showed no internet connection. So I had to try something else and am now back at cafe where many people are, and so far, having no problems.

Anyway, I was writing about what I found out about CPS in Wenatchee and I lost it. It hadn't been saved to draft before I lost my connection. I'll try to repeat what I was writing and then move on eventually to TTSOMLs.

I talked to my uncle last night and found out the decision to cut off my telephone conversations with my sons was not at my aunt's or their request, but came strictly through Wenatchee CPS. They had already been trying to get this from the Judge awhile ago. My uncle told me they told them they did it as a way to get me back to Wenatchee, by cutting off all contact entirely. They told them it was better for my son to see me face to face, but left out the part about how I would only be allowed to see him for 4 hours a week. I told my uncle the real reason they cut off my phone contact was to try to force me back to Wenatchee so THEIR doctor could do the mental health evaluation. They want to control how this part turns out and know they can get what they want from the people in that region. They have connections there and are most likely a little concerned people in D.C. will have a different opinion about me and what's been going on in Wenatchee. It is not in my son's best interest to have an evaluation done in that area, but it IS in Wenatchee CPS and Wenatchee doctors (and everyone else I pissed off) best interests to have someone THEY know evaluate me.

They're sitting there telling my uncle that they want to reunite me and my son, which is a bunch of b.s. If they'd wanted that, they wouldn't have done things to keep us apart, and to disrupt our visitation rights. I also begged them, when I was still able to get over to Wenatchee without physical problems, for MORE visitation and they claimed they didn't have "funds" for it. It doesn't COST them to allow more visitation of my son. From the beginning, they've been liars. Lying to my family about what happened in Canada, and their motives and everything else.

Not only that, if my aunt did say I was argumentative and that this disturbed my son, which CPS claimed was their reason for termination of my phone visits (they left out the fact that this was primarily a strategy to coerce me to return to Wenatchee so their doctor could smear and slam me with a permanent record which would NOT enable a reuinion between me and my son but rather ENSURE we are NEVER reuinited) is it possible my son was disturbed by ME, when it was my AUNT he could hear on his end, when she was on the telephone with me.

My aunt would start arguments, and although my son couldn't hear me, I would tell my aunt to please stop because I knew he could hear, and it is possible he also knew who she was talking to. My uncle said he didn't know whether my son even knew who he was talking to. I said he knows his mother's voice and calls me mommy. Pablo said maybe it's just because THEY say "mommy" is on the phone. They treat my son like he is an unintelligent blob. They and Wenatchee CPS do not have natural instincts with children, and I'm sorry, but to be a REALLY good parent, it helps to have brains.

Having brains might mean you also treat children with the respect that they deserve, that they are thinking and independent individuals who can make some choices for themselves and who understand a lot more than adults give them credit for, even if they cannot reciprocate by communicating back.

So, if my son was disturbed by arguments, it was my aunt's voice he was hearing, not mine. It was a rare occasion, on speakerphone, that my aunt interjected and started trying to argue, but she even did this a couple of times and I asked her to quit.

I told Pablo last night, that they KNEW what Holly was like. He told me to go ahead and "appeal" the decision. I asked him if that's what he really wanted. I asked if his family really wanted to work WITH me or was bent on working against me. I told him they could have advocated for my and my son's right to speak to eachother, and yet they didn't. I let him know that if I appeal, that means I will have to have support for my claims, and I will be required to directly attack the claims CPS has made. I said I knew HE knew what his wife was like, and how she was moody with this menopause and short-tempered. I said I knew HE knew she was not "Holly-holy" and so did his daughter Ivory, who wrote to me about her concern that her mother was flying off the handle over little things and going to such extremes and she hoped it was just menopause.

They are religious. They would not believe in lying under oath, or in the sight of God, in a court of law. I told him, were they comfortable with the idea that I would have to call both HIM and his daughter Ivory, to testify against their own mother? Or did they want to work with me to persuade CPS to allow continuation of phone visits? His response was that no one is perfect, and of course Holly has issues like everyone else.

Do we REALLY want to document what these issues are, on a public record? Or will the Bairds finally snap out of it and realize they are only pawns in the Wenatchee game and that as long as they "cooperate" and leave their arms slack as I am run into the ground, without a lawyer, even a public defender to speak for me...they will be ruined along with my son and me.

CPS doesn't care about them. Wenatchee CPS doesn't care about anything but protecting their own interests. The judge said if I was cleared of the mental illness allegations, which Wenatchee claimed and slandered me to everyone as having "paranoid schitzophrenia", my son would be returned to me. I don't have schitzophrenia, and no normal doctor in their right mind will say otherwise, unless they know people in Wenatchee and want to do them a favor.

Here Wenatchee is, claiming I just need "help" in the form of a diagnosis, medication, and counseling, and yet I've already talked to lawyers who all concurred if I was diagnosed with schitzophrenia, the odds are zero to none I would ever get my son back. Schitzophrenia is not a "manageable" illness and not one where medication will provide reliable results. It's unpredictable and would be grounds for Wenatchee CPS to request PERMANENT TERMINATION of my parental rights. So I either fly into THAT pan of hot oil, just to see my son for 4 hours a week before they slam me down for good and take my son from me forever, thinking he will be better off adopted out to my aunt and uncle OR, I stay here and keep working in the public eye and living with people who can vouch for my stability and get my fucking mental health evaluation from maybe someone who is in their right mind, and above the Wenatchee fray, and doesn't give a fuck about whether Wenatchee doctors and CPS gets sued by me or not, having ZERO contact with the idiots in that part of the country. Hmmm...Give me a minute to think about THAT one.

My uncle said even if I was cleared over here of having any kind of "mental illness" which would prevent me from effective parenting, that Wenatchee CPS said I'd have to go back there anyway, because they'd only let me be with my son in increasing time "allocations". Such as, first for one day, then for two days, then maybe 3 days. I said to my uncle, "So it's okay for CPS to tear him away from the mother he loves and throw him into a house of TOTAL strangers, and force him to adjust without allowing his mother proper visitation, but he cannot be immediately returned to the mother he already KNOWS?"

It doesn't matter if he hasn't lived with me for some time. He is my son, and he knows me. When they returned that boy from Cuba or whever he was from, in Florida, to his birthparents after being raised by others for over 3 or 4 years, it was an immediate return. There is no reason my son should not be immediately returned to me, and returned to me to Washington D.C.

I am not safe, and my son is not safe, in Wenatchee. That's not "paranoia", that's the truth. By the time I've finished writing out my TTSOMLs, more people will know what more of the truth is. It is only those who want to cover up the truth, who want me to be diagnosed with "paranoia" because that's the only way they can try to discredit the truth on its face.

As long as my son is not under my guardianship, I have no legal right or ability to sue, on his behalf, for his damages from childbirth. Wenatchee doctors and Wenatchee CPS know this. They know my aunt and uncle would never sue on his behalf. They believe in "prayer, forgiveness" and would never sue. I believe in natural, god-given rights, and that "God helps those who help themselves". I am a fighter and I will fight for my son, even when it looks like I'm not moving or taking steps TOWARD my son, I make EVERY SINGLE decision, to the best of my ability, and with foresight into the future and his future, thinking ahead as to what consequences could be if I don't take the proper steps.

My son is going to need money for his damages. He has documentation, from 3 pediatric dentists, which all state, and agree, my son's teeth problems are directly connected to his traumatic childbirth. The enamel cannot be disrupted, the way it was, on his teeth, without prolonged, and severe trauma and pressure, to an unnatural degree. They have already told me, and told me before he ever had a cavity, that he will get cavities because he doesn't have normal enamel protection on his teeth.

Guess what? My son has cavities already, and it's not because I wasn't fucking brushing his teeth. It's because he has damages from a traumatic childbirth that the SAME doctors who "reported" me to CPS for "paranoia" could be liable for in a court of law.


These dentists said my son will probably need, or might need, veneers, in adult life, if his adult teeth come in the same way. Who is going to pay for that? Not to mention all of the unnecessary trips to the dentists offices which my son finds traumatizing, as most kids do, to have teeth worked on so young.

And my son's TEETH are not the worst of it. I have proof, through photos, of my son's head injury, and of his jaundice which lasted for 3 months because of that head injury. I also have not received copies of the original forms I signed for my sons vaccinations. TO DATE.

In the fact finding hearing, Michelle Erickson mocked me, and claimed there was no evidence that I had any injuries either. She admitted she couldn't read medical records, and then some of the records which proved I have injuries were conveniently missing. They said they "didn't know" and "couldn't remember" if they'd ever received anything.

Even if I lose everything here, I can take all of these same medical records to another country, and they can see for themselves who the liars have been.

I can probably take the death threats and warnings I received from U.S. intelligence before what happened to me and my son as well, for proof that something ungodly happened, and continues to get covered up and sanctioned.

If I lose my son, despite my best efforts, and despite the facts, I will take all of the records and documentation, and allow another country to do their own medical evaluations, and to review the record, and determine whether or not I am mentally ill or whether I was only reacting to abuse, torture, and harassment, by people who didn't want to be exposed, and lied on the record to cover their own.

One way or the other, I will be cleared, and if it is eventually only after I scan records onto my public blog for public evidence, that's fine with me. Even if some people in U.S. intelligence are sitting down on this, I have prayed to God that SOMEONE, whether it's from my country or NOT, is looking into the connections and names I put out there.

As for my poetry, from last post, about schitzophrenia, I make zero admission to this but only use it as a mockery of what has been said about me. My poetry is best left to individual interpretation, but I will make it clear, I use it only to describe exactly what KIND of "schitzophrenia" diagnosis is appropriate, and the only one that fits is being cut in half, from my son as a mother, and from my own government. As regards the jesus allusion, where i write he is not a rambo commandeer encouraging people to shoot "rayguns", I borrowed the "raygun" term from a Wenatchee CPS worker. I never said a "raygun" was used against us, but whatever was used, it is as ridulous as THIS, to think that God or any higher power approves.

From people I've talked to, medical scientists and military, it was most likely some kind of device which is high powered to use in medical settings (ironically, perhaps something used to target cancer, or for MRI or some other kind of diagnostics) , or, more likely, i'm told, only something accessible through the military or through someone who has military or intelligence connections. I'm told what happened to me and my son IS possible, and that what's shocking is that it could only be obtained through some kind of intelligence or military connection.

I'm not going to lay claim as to whether it is U.S. intelligence or through people of another country, who were enabled by people who hate me in the U.S. But the U.S. connection is predominant and cannot, in any way, be dismissed. I have even had people suggest it was possible, if not through a special technology employed by intelligence or military, through satellite. That wouldn't explain to me why the electrical things in my house were all melting on one particular side of the wall though. Actually, now that I think about it, maybe this was just because this is where almost all of the electrical outlets were located. So I may not have anything to do with the location of the wall, being on one side and facing the road.

The other thing I think is odd, which I will write about in order, is the possibility that both my teeth and possibly my son's teeth, were affected by whatever it was that was used against us. I had someone tell me it caused enamel problems and I do know, around that this time, I went from normal dental to suddenly having massive cavities and, they noted, something "odd", which I told christa about. Then my dental records disappeared from the dentist office I went to, which someone could have known I went to. They said they were just gone, and I'd had full x-rays and complete everything, even photos taken of my teeth besides. This stuff disappeared from the office and had to be totally redone.

My medical records have gone "missing" on 3 different occasions:

1. Records, my entire stack, disappeared from my house in Portland, Oregon (nothing damaging in them but my whole history),

2. Dental records disappeared from Cashmere dentist's office,

3. Medical records which should have been in my file, which Wenatchee CPS requested a full record of, were missing (only the ones which proved things like my broken tailbone--whether CPS received them and "lost" them or never received them from medical professionals, I cannot prove, but it is a fact they were missing from the fact finding hearing record),

Other things:

4. My son and I have been refused medical diagnostics for things which could have further proved my claims are true,

5. A false record of "cannabis abuse" was entered into my medical record, with a lab claiming I had tested positive for THC when I was never around it, ever, or used it, at that time in my life, or anytime prior, and I wasn't told about this chart, by either the hospital doctors, or my PCP, Malcolm Butler, even 3 months after it was put in my chart. No one addressed this with me. I found out accidentally when I obtained my records and it was too late for me to demand retest. I asked to have it appended and was extremely upset when I found out. Butler said it really didn't matter anyway. I told him it DID matter becuase it went into my record right after I'd given testimony against the FBI and told THEM I never did any drugs. Now, it looked like I DID do drugs, and lied. They would say, "If she lied about drug use, what else does she lie about?" it would work to discredit me and my honesty, not to mention making me appear to engage in illegal activity would would cause SOME to question my character. The biggest thing, is it made me look like a liar.

As to my post about when I learned to lie, in getting my car back after it was improperly towed for an improper "suspended license", I should probably make clear, I have "lied" about very few things. Under oath, I've always told the truth, expect once when I tried to conceal a paternity because I knew this was the wish of the father and he was married and it was nobody's goddamn business and had no reflection on my case. I've also lied about having or not having a driver's license, after I had law enforcement illegally and incorrectly try to deprive me of my ability to drive. I've also lied to Christa and the Abbey people, in order to discover leaks and find out where things would end up.

Otherwise, I tell the truth. MY TTSOML posts are all true, and true to the extent that I even tell the truth about the few times I chose to lie. So if someone wants to catch me in my lies, I expose them myself in the TTSOMLs.

I'm thinking about the teeth thing again, I guess it's on my mind for some reason today. I remember the dental assistant said she'd never seen something before, that she saw with my teeth. She pointed it out to the dentist, and said, "What is that from?" he sort of shrugged it off. She hadn't seen anything like it before and didn't know what it was caused by. I was also asked, by the dentist, if I'd started drinking soda a lot in the last few months, or if I'd been eating more candy. Negative on both. The other things the assistant saw went unexplained. I remember I told Christa about it and she knew where I went, and then a new dental assistant applied and got a job there. It was a small office, just a couple of people, so I noticed. This new woman was very rude to me and dismissive of everything. I believe I later checked, because she was so strange around me, and found she had either gone to a Catholic university, or maybe it was that she wore a crucifix around her neck, I don't remember, but in some way, I think by looking something up online, I found this out and I only looked her up because I didn't know what she had against me and I wondered if she somehow knew who I was.

I tried looking up more about radiation caries and the articles say they occur on certain parts of the teeth but I can't find a diagram that shows where those parts are located.

My dentist was so concerned, and said it was so strange and abnormal, he was going to have my saliva tested. He said I must have a very dry mouth or that something was missing in the natural healthy bacteria in the saliva. He said it wasn't really possible for decay to be that bad, that fast, and kept asking if I'd started drinking a lot of soda. But I hadn't. So he was puzzled.

After this new woman started working at the office, she tried to penalize us for missing an appointment. She also rolled her eyes a lot to the other assistant, about me. The other assistant was guileless, and I believe she was also Catholic and having a traditional Catholic wedding. But there was nothing wrong about her. I don't know her religion for sure but she was hispanic, and I either heard or assumed she was Catholic. It was really more about how this other woman acted that made me look her up. And she entered the picture after I talked to Christa.

But yes, the dental problems were strange enough, and bizarre enough, that the dentist wanted to send me for analysis. And then, the dental records disappeared after I told Christa about them and they had to be redone.

I went from having 1 cavity every 5 years or so, and had only had 2 fillings in my lifetime (small) until all of a sudden, I had a mouthful of cavities, some of them bad, top and bottom, about 13 or so. They were major and the dentist couldn't explain or understand it. Neither could I. It was as if I'd just stopped brushing my teeth and started sipping on coke through a straw all day, every day. But that wasn't the case. They came on very suddenly, and were very bad. I was confused too, and kept saying to Christa, I don't know what in the world, how this could happen. I wondered if the water I was drinking before had more natural fluoride in it or something. But the dentist said it would have to be something bigger than that.

I still need to have dental work done, now, besides, but for whatever reason, I feel I need to document this today. I feel led to do this now.

I also, when we were having the worst of the radiation or electromagnetic field stuff, at our house, I also had severe ulcers in my mouth, on my gums. Top and bottom. This is when my hair wasn't growing and I didn't have to shave my legs anymore, when my hair was coming out in handfuls, and my son and I were twitching at various times, for hours, at night. There were a couple of different things. There was constant pain at a lower level, which produced very severe ache in the spine, lower back and pelvis, and some quicker bursts of pain in the pelvis region; there were the "hits" which I described as coming fast and to the head, causing me to almost pass out and become sick and dizzy and need to immediately go to the bathroom--when this happened, which is when I started calling ER, the frontal part of my forehead and top of my head would become very tight as if everything inside had expanded and was stretching the skin around my face tight.

Once, I found what looked like a burn mark near my son's groin, and it wasn't diaper rash, and he hadn't touched anything hot or bad under his diaper. I was constantly watching him and I never "blacked out". I didn't do anything to my son. I've already described this mark, on my blog, long ago.

I don't know why I didn't remember anything about the teeth and the dentist stuff, but I sort of fell into remembering and writing about this, after writing about missing medical records, it jogged my memory.

My teeth were sort of blackened looking at the bottoms, by the gumline, and then there were a ton of very miniscule black or grey dots on the surface of my teeth. My teeth even began to fracture and break off on a couple of them. It all happened with a one year period or so. Wait, I think the dental problems happened within a couple of months, but then progressed at a much more rapid rate than was normal. It may have been over a couple of years that things worsened too, because I got into the dentist late and then it was one filling at a time, over many months. I don't know precisely. The dentist and I could agree on one thing--it was unnatural and bizarre. He thought I was lacking some salivary enzyme.

My dental habits didn't change

And, like I said, my son has been diagnosed with cavities already, but I don't know if his teeth problems are from the traumatic childbirth, or something else was contributing.

I like how my government has not approached me, even once, to examine the validity of all of my claims. They could do diagnostics and have not. And it's not like the word isn't getting out there.

I suppose I should leave room out there, for an alternate explanation. I was using narcotic painkillers for migraines, which can be mouth drying, and I told the dentist this, but he still thought something else was wrong. Which is why he wanted me to have my saliva tested at some university research place.

Anymore, I have to wonder, with all of the complaints I made to people in my government, about things that were going on, you would think, given their OWN warnings to me that my life was in danger, they would have done something to protect me and my son. They didn't. That one woman went on and on about how they "needed" me.

I sometimes wonder what for. Some kind of sick human experiment?

I know most of this is tied to the people I've already mentioned, but it involved people in medical fields and intelligence too. They sure had a lot of friends. And yes, most of them were Catholic, but not all, I don't think. I think they were able to buy some people off.

Abstact thought...I wonder if this was also why I had nosebleeds for the first time in my life around that time, too. Only a couple of times I think, but also, always had blood whenever I blew my nose. Not like a bloody nose, but blood in the mucus.

Hmm. Just thinking, and stalling, on what to write next, I should add, regarding the "burn" mark I saw on my son, I took him in to the doctor on it, and the doctor said it wasn't a diaper rash, and didn't look like an allergy either, but didn't think it was a burn as in a traditional burn. He thought at first it was excema but it wasn't. It was perfectly round, and at first it was red and then the next day it was dark like a sunburn that has turned into a tan. After a few days, it PEELED off. Exactly like a sunburn. It was underneath his diaper. This was when all the weird stuff was going on, and this doctor said he had no idea what it was, but not to worry about it. I told the doctor I thought it was strange because it was under his diaper and perfectly round. It was about the size of a nickel. The doctor knew I, personally, hadn't done anything to my son, but just dismissed this as being "odd", but probably nothing. It appeared suddenly, because I changed my son's diapers so often, other mothers were suprised. I never wanted my son to sit in either a dirty or wet diaper, and as often as I had to take my son in, for various things, he never had diaper rash. So, it was like one minute he didn't have the mark, and the next minute he did. This was never an accusation in the fact finding either. For fact finding, there was zero accusation of physical or verbal "abuse" or neglect. They claimed to the judge that the entire thing was only about "potential risk" and said it was due to what they believed was a mental illness and they told everyone, including Canada, that it was paranoid schitzophrenia.

They refused to hand me the discovery, and documentation of my and my son's injuries, and refused also, to make any mention of the things I was so concerned about. If the facts had been made public, it would be clear, I was never "paranoid" but only having valid concerns after threats and warnings, and death threats, and mail disturbances, computer hacking, car vandalisms, break-ins, missing medical records, etc. There was never any "paranoia". Paranoia is an UNREASONABLE fear, and my concerns were never unreasonable. In fact, if anything, I had people TELLING me to BE MORE AFRAID than I was. Someone who is paranoid schitzophrenic doesn't walk around outside at night, and socialize freely, or do any of the things I do. If I was having a "psychotic" break (and I know I did NOT), I suppose the U.S. intelligence was also having a psychotic break? to tell me I was endangering my own life?

Sorry, but I'm still worried about it. And I'm still worried over the fact Wenatchee has their tentacles on my son.

UPDATE: I just read where I wrote I didn't notice it was ever red first. So maybe I missed it. For some reason I was thinking today that it had been red first, but I definitely remembered the tan and peeling thing. I guess it was immediately tan. I know whatever I said or wrote at the time it happened, is what to go by. So I go by this. Anyway, the teeth stuff is accurate. I don't know if I ever wrote about that or not, but anyone can confirm with the dentist what he thought.

I also have one thing that's happened ever since this exposure, but which didn't develop until later, that I noticed and it has to do with my feet and especially, toes, and severe spontaneous curling and cramping. It's very bizarre and I've had it ever since I was out of Canada. I noticed it after all the other pangs subsided and it still happens. It never happened before what happened to me and my son and I don't know if my son has this happen or not. My aunt and uncle wouldn't even know what to look for, or how to be aware. Because they do not know or believe what happened to us, really happened. I think some people are starting to figure it out. If anyone knows why my feet do this now, I'd love to hear the explanation.

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