Saturday, October 11, 2008

TTSOML #110: Becoming A FT Wenatchee Resident

I had already moved, I think, most of my belongings to Wenatchee, but I was just commuting back and forth for legal things and for college.

My fax machine had fried for the second time, right before I left, and I believe it was after I'd moved most of my things, that I had my car towed for the so-called "suspended license".

It was over the phone, in Wenatchee, that a clerk told me, whispering almost, that Judge Warren had been the one to put a suspension on my license, and she told me, it was illegal and she knew this. She gave me the case number because it had already been appealed in court (later it was reversed again, but at that time, the law was known to everyone). I thought perhaps Judge Warren had been mistaken. I called someone later and asked if they would give him the message that it was illegal and to please remove it. I didn't know how Oregon police had been "alerted" to this besides.

When I decided to stay in Wenatchee, I left behind the Lake Oswego police ticket I got, for something I DID NOT DO. I was going to contest that one, but I'd moved and didn't want to go back. I remember, when I talked to Julia Thornton, S.A. at Portland FBI field office, she had seemed surprised and alarmed I was wanting to move to Wenatchee. She asked, why WENATCHEE but I have no idea what the deal was, if it was a jurisdiction matter, and they didn't want to pass it to WA, or if one of their guys was there who was connected, or what. I wondered too, if they didn't want me to leave, because they didn't want anyone to think I was actually AFRAID of THEIR guys.

I got a ton of tickets trying to leave Oregon for Washington. Every trip I made, it seems, and they're all on record somewhere. I think my license IS NOW suspended for non-payment of the tickets. The law changed again, and it was decided people could have their licenses suspended for being late on payments or not paying at all. Will I ever pay it?

No, not until someone pays me for what was done to me and then later, to my son. I'm not paying for tickets I was profiled to receive, just as I'm not going to pay abusers for abuse, just because they "won" with judges they hand-picked themselves and swore to "protect" from litigation by me, by harassing me further. I was able to drive for a long time, but the Wenatchee police became the next group to follow me around all the time, and the Chelan County police too. I got a ticket for something I didn't do, every single time I told someone they were being sued or reported. It happened in Wenatchee and Chelan, and THEN, most recently in that state, on my way to SPOKANE to file something in federal court, an injunction to block what Wenatchee doctors were trying to pull in the district courts against me. I had to serve the Central Washington Hospital first, before I drove off to file this in Spokane, and on the way, I was pulled over by an officer who didn't even stop to check anything about me but called me by my name AND knew other things about me. I called my family at that time, to let them know, and I also gave them a license plate number of someone who had followed us in a car as I pulled off of an exit and watched what I did next, just sitting there.

I'm jumping ahead, but note the pattern. I have had, also, a very interesting "pattern" of judges and Wenatchee social workers and medical doctors, mocking me and saying things like, "we think there's a pattern here, didn't YOU notice the pattern?" over and over again, to the point inwhich it is not coincidence but an attempt to rub something in. I remember telling a judge about The Department of Social Health Services and CPS's pattern of lying, and how they did so under oath, and later, that's all I ever heard from DSHS and CPS. Crap about a pattern when they were trying to accuse me of being mentally ill to cover up their own corruption. It was a Washington state officer who pulled me over as I was on my way to Spokane and the guy pulled me out of a huge crowd of traffic, that was all traveling at the same speed and not excessively. He said he was giving me a ticket for "reckless driving" or something because he said the speed was excessive. I knew he was lying and immediately asked to see his radar and he said I didn't have a right to see it. I said I did, and I asked to see his "evidence" because I knew he was lying. He had just told me he'd "clocked me" at such a speed that I knew was false.

Anyway, I received a TON of tickets, almost all of which were given to me as I was approached while PARKED in a parking lot (and given a moving violation), and at least THREE TIMES in Chelan for moving violations I didn't commit. As soon as they obtained my driver's insurance, they would drop their claim I committed a moving violation. All they wanted, during one period when I was constantly harassed and profiled, was to catch me without auto insurance so I couldn't drive. I had told ONE person, Christa, that I might not have it much longer, and even though I DID still have insurance at the time, I told my social worker, Tina Thornton, that I didn't or thought I might not soon. After I told Tina Thornton this, I had police pulling me over for things I didn't even do. All THE TIME. You look at my driving record and of all the things they actually decided to cite me for, they didn't list the other half of the time they improperly pulled me over just to search and see if they could catch me on something better or find me without papers. At one point, I obtained a DVD which proved police were surveilling and profiling me.

The weeks before I was going to file something in Spokane, against Wenatchee, my grandfather said someone was tampering under the hood of my car. It happened enough that he got upset about it and then my grandmother let me take her car to file things. My driver's licenses, I had a couple of them, also disappeared from my house where my son and I lived, in the orchard.

But again, I'm getting ahead.

SO, when I first moved to Wenatchee, it was because of Granny and because I couldn't travel freely, I felt. I had to drop out of college, when I had less than a half of a senior year to go and my GPA was about 3.6 and getting better as time went on, in general. I dropped my classes, and tried to get settled in and get the lawsuits which were still ongoing in Portland, taken care of. I also still had a broken knee I had to settle with Farmers' about (or the broken knee which was mended) and I'd told Christa I was going to use the $50,000 I received from the settlement towards my lawsuits against the Catholic church and the Willamette Week, or to appeal or, I said, I'd probably just pay for a civil rights lawyer because then I could afford it.

I know Farmers' and the Abbey lawyers worked together to deprive me of justice. Farmers' didn't want to pay out, and the Abbey didn't want them to, because they knew I could file for bankruptcy on their lien for attorney's fees against me, and still keep 100% of my personal injury money from Farmers', which, I'd told Christa The Rat I was going to use to hire a lawyer to fight the legal battles I hadn't been able to fight.

It was in the Abbey's best interests to help Farmers, and they did. That became apparent towards the end too, which I'll describe in the communications I received from Farmers' and the Judge who was appointed to "arbitrate" who was only on their side.

So here I was, getting residency in Washington state and they knew I could file for bankruptcy and keep other money, and they also knew I had an aunt who worked for a lawyer in town and who was a legal assistant for herself for over 20 years and knew more than most lawyers. They knew they might end up getting screwed.

So, they decided to harass me farther, and to intimidate me. First, they made certain I couldn't drive back into Oregon, as my license was suspended there for not appearing in court over 2 matters: the improper "suspension of license" which was from Washington and which I never fought in Oregon court because I was afraid to drive back and forth between states, and the Lake Oswego ticket I got by the officers who pulled me over after I left an ATM, who were just sitting on my tail and had ZERO on me. That was one I was going to contest because I thought I had pretty good evidence against them. But I didn't and lost my right to drive in Oregon.

I couldn't do everything. I was harassed in Oregon and couldn't do anything about it. I was extremely sick besides, and got sick everytime I went back to Oregon, when I was commuting, and I now wonder, if that black spot in my apartment wasn't toxic black mold, what was it? Mabye it really was black mold and no one wanted to admit it because there were liabilities involved that I didn't know about. All I know, is that I reported, in the court record, severe and recurrent bronchitis and illness. I was very sick and the Judge refused to give me a medical abatement. Then I had the FBI report going on, and I had filed my lawsuit in federal court, against Judges. I was also in Wenatchee, and Dr. Parnell and some other idiot doctors, I believe purposefully, began to "doctor" (no pun intended) my medical records.

For years, the Abbey and their groupies had tried to get a criminal record going against me, one that was false, but to discredit me. Then they defamed me to a large newspaper and put the article online. Then, I believe, they wanted to get my medical records turned around on me. I had told Christa everyone knew I was honest, so I knew, if I wrote my book about everything I knew and that had happened, people would believe me. I told her, the only way the Abbey could discredit me would be to claim I'm either lying or mentally ill. I told her, people would know I wasn't lying. I had been so honest my entire life even my enemies believed me. I told her the only left was "mentally ill" and that if someone tried to use that against me, it couldn't be that I was just a little depressed or anxious, or had a little PTSD, which would reflect on THEM, I told her, they would have to come up with something that totally makes it impossible for anyone to believe a word I say. I told her, it woulod have to be delusional, or schitzophrenic, or something like bipolar maybe, if they want to throw in a psychotic phase to enhance a "manic" phase, or something. I told her I'd heard the Catholic church trying to use all of these to describe me, along with seductress and "sexually graphic e-mail" writer besides. They had been lying for years. All they needed was doctors to back them up.

Somebody, whoever it was that stole my medical records in Oregon, knew they had their work cut out for them.

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