Monday, October 13, 2008

TTSOML #114: Henry and "Infinity" (Bullivant Houser Baily logo)

It was last night that I remembered I forgot to include a couple of other things that happened in Portland before I moved to Wenatchee.

One was that after the WW article was published, and Christa met me at this new pub to tell me about Dick Whittemore's synchronized swimmer girlfriend, I met someone whom I believe was connected to the Abbey attorney and Christa crap.

Christa had really wanted me to start going to this one pub, where she said, she'd go to study when she was a student. This was before I caught her on the process server leak. So I thought I'd try it out, and after I was there first, this guy came in, who was blond and who sat glaring at me. I didn't know what his issue was. I had a couple of glasses of wine and was somewhat tipsy.

I really did not drink often, which is probably why I didn't know how to gauge how much was too much. I sometimes went a couple of weeks without drinking anything, and there was no compulsion. The main problem was that I didn't know, in a safe environment, how much would make me drunk. And then there was always some asshole, half of the time from the Abbey's people, taking advantage of the situation. I remember thinking I had some major personal flaw--that I didn't have self-control or something. For whatever reason, I never considered liquor was a "drug" that really, when drunk, makes one, quite often, incapable of making good choices. I just blamed myself and kept it to myself, always thinking if it happened again, I would be stronger.

So there I was, and for whatever reason, this guy started acting FRIENDLY after I was evidently tipsy and he came over to my table and bought me another drink. When he went to the bathroom, this large bartender took me aside and asked me to please be careful and avoid that guy. He said he didn't know what was wrong with him, but that something wasn't right, and he'd been there every single night. Which was odd because I kept telling Christa I'd go.

I should have listened, but felt lonely and wanted to hang out. This guy said he had some good music and did I want to talk upstairs at his place? I said sure, and it may sound naive, but that's honestly what I intended to do and thought it was about. Listening to music. So I'm there and he played some stuff which was kind of creepy. I liked it, but then he said to listen to one song in particular, from Morcheeba, and it was this song about getting played and someone losing and "the job" and the fool's been had, and "can't trust nobody". I believe I met him after I reported the FBI guys. I'm not 100% positive.

I slept with him, after feeling so tired and just wanting to sleep, he came onto me and had his hands all over me and I ended up sleeping with him. The next day, he gave me a long-sleeved white shirt choice to wear and I believe I wore my own things. Then, he told me he worked for a law firm and was from another state originally. He was applying for work at the same firms I had litigation against. I started to wonder about him and then, he handed me the Morcheeba CD and told me to listen to that one song, on my own, very carefully.

He also said his name was Henry, and told me he was going to get a tattoo on his arm. He tells me this after he slept with me. I said, what would it be, and he looked at me and said slowly, it would be something with his first initial in the middle and he wanted it to say "infinity to infinity". He said to watch him draw out the design, and he drew out the logo for
the law firm Abbey attorneys John Kaempf and Dick Whittemore worked for, the Bullivant Houser Bailey logo. There was no mistake about it.

When he did this, he looked hard at me, for a reaction. I didn't give him anything, and while my heart was in my throat, I played it off and was nonchalant. I took the CD and said thanks and acted totally normal and flippant but friendly.

He drew an "H", a capital "H", and then added half figure 8s to either side, facing opposite directions. He claimed it was a way to combine his initial and the 2 infinity signs, but I knew it was something else. It was the exact replication of the Bullivant Houser logo. He drew it exactly the same way.

I left and listened to the CD. I'm going to find the song and print it here. Incidentally, when I told Christa about it, I told her I knew he was connected to the attorneys and told her about the CD he'd given me, which was done in reggaeton style graffiti and I told her I was KEEPING it as evidence. Within a few hours, Henry was calling me on the phone, telling me he needed his CD back. He was freaking out about it, and I wouldn't give it back and ignored his calls. It was also odd, because he'd originally given it to me saying it was a copy I could keep.

I'm going to find the lyrics and song title and I'll post it here. It's from the album "Who Can You Trust" and it's track 8, entitled "Col":

Things have changed this time around
I'm on the rocks and looking down
And I can't see for all the darkness 'round here.

You're in Spain and you're walking free
I'm inside without the key
Feeling sick and angry towards you.

Locked away, I'm going mad
I'm a fool, I'm so sad,
I'm a fool, I've been had.

We planned a job
And you let me down
You made a run
I hit the ground
Can't trust nobody
Nobody no more.

No more, no
You're in Spain and you're walking free
I'm inside without the key
Feeling sick, sick and angry.

Locked away, I'm going mad
I'm a fool, I'm so sad
I'm a fool, I've been had.

Things have changed this time around
I'm on the rocks and looking down
I can't see for all the darkness 'round here

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