Friday, October 24, 2008

TTSOML #141: Wenatchee Refusal To Analyse Evidence From Rape

I was going to write about things I mentioned yesterday but first I need to flesh out what happened with the attempted rape and how the Wenatchee police and lawyers in the Prosecuting Attorney's department refused to do anything about it.

I had evidence, because I did the rape kit, where they swabbed for DNA. I also had photos taken which showed red areas, they said, which were new. The thing was, this guy didn't say it was just consensual and "she wanted it", he told the Judge, when I went to get the restraining order, that he had not even TOUCHED me there.

I knew I had evidence which proved he lied.

If he didn't "touch me" with his penis, and only groped me a little bit while my clothing was on, I wouldn't have DNA to prove otherwise.

I asked Wenatchee police to send in the DNA for analysis, even though I'd showered immediately after with soap, I was told the technology is good enough these days, to be able to find evidence, even after showering, even after soap.

The Judge who issued the restraining order said she thought he was lying. What he was claiming, even to her, didn't add up. And besides, why would I go to all the trouble to get justice if what I said wasn't true. The guy had forcefully attempted to penetrate and I was wearing a skirt and he moved my underwear to the side as I kicked and finally got away, screaming at the top of my lungs.

I knew I "had" him. There were witnesses who knew what his excuse was, in the hearing. The advocate from Wenatchee's sexual assault organization heard him say the same thing, that all he did was "kiss and make out" and he never touched me under my clothing.

I had done the DNA test for a REASON, and Wenatchee police refused to send it in to the crime lab. Not only did I have DNA, I had allowed them to take photos which showed recent red marks, which the photographer person said looked like it had been where he tried. It was violent move, and not done without serious intent. He was able to get it in just a little bit before I got away, so there was a good chance there would be DNA.

Christa hadn't wanted me to report it.

I don't make false accusations about innocent people. I would never want someone to get in trouble for something they didn't do, because I know how it feels. This was a clear cut rape that I could prove, and the other times I've said I was far too drunk to consent, I was. I was not lying.

But I think, some people thought if I was able to prove ONE rape, maybe people would begin to believe me about my other claims. Hmmm...maybe she's telling the truth and not "delusional" afterall. And I think some people didn't want that.

I went to the Wenatchee Prosecuting Attorney's office, the same office that tried very hard to press false charges against me, for a misdemeanor I didn't commit, and they were unresponsive. They told me to go to a different group of lawyers. And then I got the runaround. I had one group of lawyers tell me they were handling it and then I found out they were not, and were only stalling.

The police were deliberately refusing to investigate a CRIME with real evidence and witnesses that could verify what this guy lied about for his defense.

Later, on two different occasions, the same guy was caught stalking me, on camera. This was after Wenatchee police refused to press charges, and after I had obtained a restraining order. He was caught by Walmart cameras for one of the times. Which I'll explain:

I went to Walmart with my son and saw him walking out of Walmart, towards his car. I was driving by trying to find parking. I drove to the opposite side of the parking lot to avoid him, and parked. I got out of the car with my son and walked towards the Walmart and he saw me, and drove all the way around the lot to drive by ME and scowl and laugh at me. He went out of his way to do this. Then, he parked, and he started walking towards us. He was right behind me and I rushed into Walmart with my son and pulled the greeter aside, a young man, and told him someone I had a restraining order was coming in afer me and I neeed him to note he was coming in so close on my heels, and after us. The greeter saw that this guy came in right after us and I stood next to the greeter, out of the way and didn't look at him. Then, as I was talking to the greeter, the guy went to a cash register after seeing me talk to the greeter, and kept looking over at us. I called police immediately and they came out to take a report. Walmart had cameras which showed everything.

It was the second time this guy stalked me after I got a restraining order against him.

But not only did the Wenatchee police refuse to send in the DNA to the crime lab, when I asked for a copy of the photos which were taken, I was told, "We can't find them."

Someone, a regular clerk even went to check and the photos taken for evidence were missing.

I told the Wenatchee police that this guy had claimed, on the record, that he didn't even "touch me". I told them it wouldn't be hard to prove he was lying, because I had photos which showed otherwise and I also believed DNA could confirm things if it was sent in. They kept saying, "It's he said-she said" and I said, "No it's not, and you know it. HE said he didn't even touch me, and I claimed he DID. If the evidence proves he DID, you've caught the liar and it's not me."

They refused to do a thing.

Bascially, when I was looking up what grounds are required for political asylum from any contry, I had enough qualifications to make a case for myself and my son. Some of the elements, I'll describe in my next post.

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