Monday, October 20, 2008

TTSOML #142: Prolapse Indicators After Delivery

NI had 4th degree tears. I had tears inside which were beyond 4th degree and had to be repaired. They used vaccum forceps. My tailbone had to break to allow my son out. The asian doctor verified I could feel everything, even though my anasthesia was turned back on, because it had been left off so long. My son had a head injury and ended up having to go under bilirubin lights for jaundice because they were so high and not resolving. My son had trouble nursing because of the pain to his head and the force of suction required when he probably had a headache like hell.

THEN, my bladder prolapsed. Well, other things did as well, but the bladder prolapse was proven by the fact I couldn't urinate on my own, at all, for over two weeks after delivery. I had to be on a cathedar, and I wasn't released from the hospital for one week because they just "couldn't figure it out", why I couldn't pee. Not only that, I had been made to "push" WAY over the recommended time for pushing, and Stacey had been forcefully tearing and "stretching" me for an hour, after I was already fully dilated.

THIS is what they tried to call a "normal, SPONTANEOUS, vaginal delivery."

Prior to Wenatchee prenatal and labor care, I had been a healthy, athletic, young woman, with very good stomach muscle tone and I'd been slim my entire life.

Afterwards, I was in so much pain and my son was in so much pain, I had to go on narcotics, and my son had trouble nursing, which lactation consultants at the hospital told me they thought was from his head injury.

Not only that, they KNEW AHEAD OF TIME, and I told them, about my narrow pelvis. It obviously did not "relax" with labor hormones.

I was ready to sue the living daylights out of some people, and they knew it, and they knew I had good cause.

From the moment I "fired" Stacey, she went on the defensive, telling nurses and the Labor and Delivery people that my distress and tears were not from what she did to me and my son, but that it was "postpartum depression". She also started telling people I was an alcoholic and a different doctor, outside of Butler and Stacey, told me Dr. Butler had told HIM, after I fired Stacey, that I was drug seeking and had addiction problems with narcotics and painkillers.

Dr. Butler told another doctor this, while I and my son were still recovering, after HE KNEW he'd been the one trying to get me to accept narcotics prescriptions from him during my pregnancy. I had told him I didn't want or need them and he knew this.

So Butler and Stubblefield joined ranks, and I had more than one nurse from the hospital come in, and whisper to me to get a lawyer right away.

One of them, in fact, pointed out to me how my diagnosis of "4th degree teears" had been listed as "3rd degree tears" at next mention. She was at the desk and my file was there and she told me to look, and she pointed it out in the record to me.

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