Saturday, October 4, 2008

TTSOML #94: Unresponsive Police to Fax Harassment By Abbey

I wrote about some of the forms of harassment I experienced by the Abbey. Other things that happened included attorneys calling my fax machine on my phone, with their fax. I tried to report it to police because of the excessive extent of the harassment, which was every single day, and many times a day. The Portland police refused to do anything, telling me I should "get a lawyer" and that there was no "crime". There was, and it was telephonic harassment, and is covered under Oregon statutes.

But despite the fact I continued to call to report this, for months, the police refused to do anything. I also had people calling my phone and then hanging up all the time. But with the fax harassment, what they'd do is call my telephone with their phone, so when I picked up the phone, landline, when it was ringing, I would answer the phone to extremely loud fax machine beeps from their end. I would call to find out if they were trying to fax something and they'd deny it.

It happened for hours at a time, and Christa knew how it bothered me. It was harassment. I *69'd and found it was coming from not just the East Coast sometimes, but from Portland law offices. The Portland police told me to "accept their faxes" or "get another phone line". I actually called the phone company I was with at the time and asked them about documenting this harassment. They were going to try to put tracers on things. I went through a process with them in order to do so.

The police were not only unresponsive, they tried to throw it back in my face.

At the same time, I was getting parking tickets left and right and this is evident from Portland records. It wasn't happening before, and I didn't just start parking badly. Like I already mentioned, I finally started keeping a camera in my glovebox and took photos which I filed with the Multnomah county courthouse, and all of it disappeared. The photos and my statement of events, and the entire ticket I got, disappeared.

Not unlike what had happened in the City of Mt. Angel, where the D.A.'s office for the county was puzzled as to why no one from the police department was filing their citations they gave me when I was being falsely accused of misdemeanors and breaking town ordinances. They said it was suspect they never got anything because it has to be filed with them. Later, Amy Roe, reporter for the Willamette Week, was very interested in whether I still had actual copies of the tickets. I think she wanted this info for the Abbey, because she was obviously doing a favor for them and their lawyers. When I told her I did, and said I'd fax them over, she hastily said she didn't want to see them.

I also got pulled over for doing things I didn't do. What I later found out, is that if you had so many unpaid parking tickets, your license could be suspended. I was getting so many, I couldn't keep up with payment. Then, I got fined massive amounts for things I didn't do, moving violations, which I couldn't afford to pay, and Christa and everyone else knew about my financial status, though I was constantly asked who was "helping" me and if someone was supporting me financially, and I was even perpetually questioned about whether I had overseas accounts. Once, out with Christa, a man approached me who said he worked on overseas finances and he could help me manage my investments discreetly. It happened all the time.

I kept meeting people from other countries too. Christa said it was so ironic that whenever she went out with me, we always met up with men from other countries. She claimed it never happened with her other girlfriends. I thought it was odd too, but didn't think much about it. It was always the two men from Ireland, Scotland, Russia, Australia. Always two of them, fresh into town. I don't really know what to say about that. Probably no big deal, but it always happened when I was out with her.

After John Kaempf was seen talking to my apartment manager, my apartment manager tried to claim something weird, and that I was leaving the apartment without paying my deposit or something. Which wasn't true, and I proved it in court. But who was there, in the courtroom, when I refused to cower to false accusations? John Kaempf. He was standing there waiting for me and then this other guy came over to me, a lawyer, and tried to convince me to admit to things before we went to the judge. I refused. I pointed out my copy of the contract and rental agreement. I won. John Kaempf tried to stalk me in that room and I had to leave and request a guard from the Multnomah courthouse to stand by me. When the guard stood by me, we opened the door to the courtroom and Kaempf was there, behind the door. He had moved to be right next to it when I came in. The guard stood inbetween us and then Kaempf wrote a "note" and passed it to me through the guard. This was the second time Kaempf went out of his way to directly approach me with a "note". The other time, was when I was seated in a courtroom, listening to the case for David Schmidt, who was a clergy sex abuse victim, and I was minding my own business, when Kaempf stopped what he was doing, and walked over to me, several rows behind him, to pass me a "note" which was unnecessary. I had already told Christa it bothered me to even be around these guys but that I did it to get information. But they, the ones who claimed to others I was a stalker and harasser, were always the ones following me and approaching me and the attempts to approach me by Kaempf were evidenced by more than one witness. The notes were always insignificant and unimportant. Things that could wait and were unnecessary, such as "I'll give you an extension on the motion of one week". He could have written this to me by email, or sent me a letter, or phoned. But he used any excuse he could to try to unnerve and disturb me. Kaempf didn't quit there. He took it much, much, farther than that.

Before the trial for my rental situation took place, which I was in the right about, the apartment manager called Portland police to ask me to leave the property. I had a right to be there and showed the officer but he yelled at me and was a jerk anyway and I later found out he was connected to Kaempf. He was also German or of this background.

I sometimes questioned the German thing. Don't get me wrong, I love Germany and the film and art and have no qualms. But sometimes I wondered if these people were just very bad Catholics or ex-Nazis too. I even told Schneider once, in a joke about going to a date with this guy who was German (and I later found out knew Kaempf) that maybe he was from a Nazi family, well, after I told her where I was going to meet this guy, I had all four tires of my car slashed while I had lunch with him, and he seemed to be tipped off to me besides, because he acted so bizarre, like he knew what I'd said.

I think they tried to cause a lot of problems for me by turning people against me.

Other things that happened with electronics, aside from my fax harassment and fax machine being fried 3 times, was that once when I tried calling Christa, my phone connected me to an elevator in downtown Portland.

I called Christa's phone number, and double-checked to be sure I'd dialed right and I had. My call was somehow directed or routed to an elevator in a building right next to the Bullivant Houser Bailey firm. It was also near the Justice department. It may have been a building where the firm was, I can't remember. I just remember that when I asked which building I had reached and later looked it up, I was shocked. What happened was that I called her number and said, "Hi, it's Cameo" and I got an odd response. Then after I asked who I was speaking with, I was told I had called an elevator. Supposedly, my call was coming through the elevator intercom and several people were in the elevator and I could hear them. I don't know for sure that it was an elevator, but this is what I was told, and it sounded like many people in a confined space. When I told Christa later she shrugged it off and tried to change the topic. At other times, she'd call me up and then say in a panicked voice she "had to go" just as I heard other voices entering a room. I wondered where she was. She hadn't been talking about anything personal and was usually telling me she was at home, at her apartment, in either Oregon or later, NYC. But she wanted to get off the phone so quickly it was odd.

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