Saturday, October 4, 2008

TTSOML #96: Police Ignore Reports & Ex Parte Contact

Among things ignored by Portland police, or ridiculed, were the multiple break ins of my residence. Most of the time, I had a witness, a roommate, to confirm these things were happening. One time I mistakenly reported some letters from the monks were missing and then I found them. This was an error I admitted to, to police, but then I was accused later of being paranoid or "wrong". There is nothing wrong with making an honest mistake if you own up to it. More police should do this themselves, in their investigations, but they probably know how others try to point it out and use it to discredit them on other things. It's too bad, but it should still be done.

One thing that did go missing, which I was correct about, was my medical records. I believe I tried to call in and report this but that it was dismissed.

I had a Portland officer once come up to me, with his buddy officer, on a Sunday morning when I was outside gardening, and ask to have access to my house. He said they were "looking for someone". Now, I realize it was odd. But at the time, I was too intimidated to refuse his request. So he went directly to my bedroom and then came out. Like he knew the house. I didn't watch them go in, I stayed outside, but I saw which direction they went and they didn't go into my roommates room. Then they left, and they were in uniform. The one guy who demanded access was a burly guy and the other officer looked timid.

As my complaints about judges and their treatment of my cases increased, so did the police harassment. It was after I filed my federal claim, in the Multnomah county federal courthouse, for the District of Oregon, that I was really followed around. I remember one time in particular, in Lake Oswego, when I was pulled over at a bank in Lake Oswego near the ATM. I was pulling out, and there was a police car across the street. Two men. They had pulled over and watched me, but hadn't been behind my car for any moving violation. Yet they drove up next to me as I was leaving the ATM, and claimed I'd changed lanes improperly, or run a red light or something, and it was absolutly false. The guys addressed me by name and clearly disliked me as if they knew me and had already formed an opinion. I knew that it was a set up. One of the guys was, I believe, Italian or had an Italian last name. I was too buried in litigation with the Abbey to address and report what they'd done.

In the meantime, the Abbey was pulling all kinds of dirty tricks. They lied in court, and they gave judges papers which made me look bad without copying me on it, as required. I found out about this when I went to the judge's chambers and asked what the clerk had received from Kaempf that I wasn't copied on. The clerk lied and said nothing. I said I knew something was handed off because I saw him give the judge something right before he heard me testify at my hearing, like it had just come in. I had not received anything from the opposing party. So I told him I knew he had received something from Kaempf.

Actually, I did not "know" this. But I figured if I lied and said I did, the clerk would think someone tipped me off and told me and he wouldn't continue lying to me to keep it from me. I guess there HAD been an exchange from Kaempf, and I went with my guess.

What should happen next, but the clerk looks at me, and then reaches into the WASTEBASKET and pulls out the paper which was given to the judge. It was from Kaempf, and it was a partial copy of an email from me, taken out of context, with only one part highlighted. It was used against me, without my knowledge.

It is law and standard court procedure, for lawyers to copy the other party on any documents or evidence they may have or wish to give to a judge. To give a judge information without copying the other party is called "ex parte" contact and it is illegal, or unlawful, and forbidden. Sanctions can be received because of it and it also demonstrates prejudice on the part of a judge, to allow such ex parte contact. In my cases, it happened all the time. But this time, I caught them red-handed. It was the original, and it had their fax number from their offices on it, sent to the judges chambers. Then, over this, was yellow highlighter. They hadn't faxed over the yellow highlighter. The clerk, perhaps, had highlighted the significant part on his own, to help out the Abbey. That's a guess.

I took that piece of paper, and I took it home, and faxed my copy of the document to John Kaempf and his offices and told him he was going to get sanctions for his unethical conduct. In reply he just snowed me with more paper and sent more couriers to my door to harass me and knock at all hours.

But I caught them.

And believe me, this kind of thing happened ALL THE TIME.

Also, with this matter which I caught, the judge took that piece of paper, knowing I had not also been copied on it (because it had been given to him mid-stream as having "just come in" and I wasn't handed the same paper and nothing had been FILED) and then made a decision against me.

I remember Christa sounded upset that I had a copy of this. She didn't want to talk about it. Instead, she just wanted more information on my family, and even handed out various personality tests and quizzes for me to fill out and email back to her.

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