Thursday, October 9, 2008

Use Of Computer For Documentation

If I were on a deserted island I might choose a computer to be my companion before a friend.

At least right now, there are things I must document, for my own sake and the sake of my son. I am not in a position to let go of the only medium I have to do this. I do not have any guarantee that an office here or there will be open to me, and that I will be able to access certain computers to get this work done. If I gave up my loaned laptop, the other forms of access to computers could dry up and then I would have nothing and be stopped in my tracks. I cannot afford to lose the key right now, or have that key taken from me.

I have zero reason to trust almost anyone, and I am the only one I've been able to rely on, to do the right thing, and to fight for the truth to be heard and certain deeds to be exposed.

I am the one I could trust, to care for my son and see to his best interests. I am the one who knows my son's needs and knew the severity of the situation we were in.

I trust me.

I do not have the luxury of being able to trust anyone else at this time. And who in their right mind can honestly expect me to?

I am more than good for my word. I am good, period. The people who are not worth their word are the ones who should be paying for the consequences of what happened and seeing to it that the needs of others are met, as I take a piece of bread from their cupboard, knowing I need it far more than they do, and that much more than my life is at stake.

I am exposing corruption at government levels and until my son is returned to me, or someone gives me a fucking LAWYER to help me with all this, I am on my own, and I must act within moral bounds to do what I have to do.

I have never had to be in this position before and I know how to give credit where credit is due. If I could afford to help myself to all the things my son and I need, like legal assistance, from my own pocket, and if I could trust others to do their job, I would. But, obviously, the record shows I CANNOT.

I intend to thank, publicly, all of the people who have assisted in some way--large and small, since all of these things have happened. I haven't forgotten about anyone. And I know what belongs where.

Right now, I am basing my actions on a promise that I could use what I need to, while I needed it.

My only lifeline to exposing and getting out of this mess, is through documenting what happened, on the public worldwide internet.

If this government cared at all about my son and me, they would have handled things differently long ago. Trust is earned. When I see my son in my arms, without having to jump through the hoops that have been set up for me to TRIP OVER and not even pass through, without an attorney, I will shut the fuck up.

I am not going to be nice, and shut the fuck up before this. I lost my patience long ago, after waiting for someone to take my complaints seriously for over almost 7 years. It has almost been a decade.

The only people who have something to lose now, are the ones I write about. I've already been buried alive. You think a fucking death threat is supposed to scare me?

I'm sorry, but groups like this may not frighten me from what I'm doing, but they are dangerous to society.

I know the minute I lose my independence to writing what I want to, when I want to, the other alternative forms of access to documenting these things, will suddenly be taken away and will dry up. I rely on autonomy.

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