Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Apartment Theft Of My Workshirts

I just realized, this morning, someone broke into my apartment and stole all of my shirts for work.

It had to have happened in the last few days, and I don't think it was just yesterday.

I had at least 4 work shirts: 3 tees (one which I purchased myself), and a black polo which my boss just gave me recently.

I believe the theft occured while I was at work on Sunday. I work almost all day. I've only had that white polo that I wore to work that day, since.

I have a roommate who wouldn't touch my things. He would not take my workshirts, and neither would any normal theif.

The only type of person who would take my workshirts, is someone who knew I needed them for work, and who was trying to be malicious.

They weren't going after anything else.

No one has the key to my apartment except my roommate and we don't just let people in all the time. Only management of the apartments, or someone picking a lock would be able to enter my place.

I did not misplace 4 workshirts. I don't take them out of my apartment either, and I only wear one at a time.

They were stolen.

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