Saturday, November 22, 2008

Back Pain From Prolapse Or Disc Problems

Last time I worked, I was in pretty bad pain after standing and walking for 2 hours. I had thought it took 4 hours until I felt so bad, but I was either wrong, or it's getting worse.

I still finished out my shift, but then I was recouping the rest of the day. The next day, and today, I had bath after bath because the aching is pretty bad. My spine doesn't feel right, and I have some pain in my stomach and back even at rest, but mostly it gets bad when I'm standing long.

It's definitely new, and I definitely was not like this in my first pregnancy. I think it has to be from either prolapse or from the herniated disc problem, or a combination of both.

I really do not feel so good.

I was thinking about disability after last shift, but I think I can keep working for awhile. It's going to get worse though, I'm afraid.

The other day, too, I had a buzzing sensation in my right foot, but it was a nerve thing I could distinguish. I was lying down and it probably had to do with my attempt to turn over.

I haven't had the toe or foot curling so much for awhile. It seems like it was really, really, bad after all the shock stuff, for several months, and then began to ease up. Sort of strange.

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