Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Bellingham Pros. Attorney Q & A (I Will Not Abandon My Son)

This is a copy of an email from a state worker in Washington who asked me if I ever planned to return to Washington state, ever. This was my response, which proves I have never, and will never, "abandon" my son:

RE: Matthew Wilson assault case‏
From: cam huegenot (cameocares@live.com)
Sent: Thu 11/06/08 3:42 PM
To: khathorn@co.whatcom.wa.us

The only reason I would go back to Washington is to visit or pick up my son, who is now in custody with my aunt through a bizarre case against me by Wenatchee CPS and the medical professionals there who were the ones to make "complaints" about me, after they knew I was planning to sue them for medical malpractice on behalf of my son and myself.

I cannot afford to travel there, of my own expense, and despite disabilities, which they've been made aware of, they refuse to accomodate this and only make an offer of a one-way bus ticket to Wenatchee. For one thing, I am never going to be stuck in that hole of a town again, and the only reason to go back is to rescue my son from it.

I have a blog, on blogger, which you can find by typing in my name: cameo garrett, which details much of my problems with Wenatchee and even the Washington state area.

If I am able to travel, by plane, which is the only way that would accomodate my disabilities, through coming into better financial means, I would be happy to also appear for trial.

As it stands, I believe I have a civil rights case which could be made against the state and what they did regarding my son, and until the right points are made, and I am cleared of the prejudical "fact-finding" which included zero actual facts, I am allowed to remain in Washington D.C. to go through evaluations. Wenatchee wants me in their state because they know people who will railroad me as they did before. It would be in both my and my son's worst interests, for me to have any kind of "evaluations" done where they are in charge. However, I have been making requests for transfer of the case and for evaluations to begin, for over a month and a half, and they've not done anything, and instead, deliberately cut off all phone communication rights between me and my son to force me back.

In every way, my parental rights have been abused and my son has been traumatized.

If I ever go back to Washington state, for any length of time, it will be when I am armed with a lawsuit and a lawyer, and I am making the medical malpractice claim or another civil rights claim against them.

Sorry if it's TMI, but that's the position I am in.

Cameo Garrett

> Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2008 08:30:52 -0800
> From: KHathorn@co.whatcom.wa.us
> To: cameocares@live.com
> Subject: RE: Matthew Wilson assault case
> Thank you for responding to me. I'm actually wondering if you have any plans to be back in Washington over the next couple of months or whether you are permanently moved with no plans to return. I'm trying to get this case resolved but so far the Defendant wants to go to trial. I certainly don't want to have you come all the way back just for this case, but if you happen to plan to be back to visit and I could coordinate the dates, that would be great.
> Thanks again for your response.
> Kari
> Kari E. Hathorn
> Deputy Prosecuting Attorney
> Whatcom County Prosecutor's Office
> 311 Grand Ave., Suite 201
> Bellingham, Washington 98225
> 360-676-6784

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