Saturday, November 15, 2008

CPS Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress and Refusal To Start ICPC

Not only that, the big delay and stalling was supposed to be over transfer of services to this area, through the ICPC process, which Wenatchee recently claimed they were not doing, but claimed 2 months ago that this was the process which would be used.

If Wenatchee is not tranfering services over to D.C., as I was told they were required to do, months ago, if I so wished, and as their own AG said would have to be done through an ICPC, AND because of the inexcusable delay and stalling in doing ANYTHING AT ALL when I asked to get started months ago,

It should not take any time at all to simply transfer the ISSP and whole package over to another state entirely, should I choose to move for healthcare reasons.

Wenatchee CPS continually lies and delays to serve their own purposes, and they were supposed to do an ICPC transfer months ago, not "ISSP", but "ICPC". There is a difference and they know it.

And after all of my attempts to be contacted and get things going, Wenatchee CPS had the audacity to claim they "JUST FOUND OUT" I wanted to have services done in D.C., when they knew this long ago, and makes the false claim they just found out two weeks ago.

In the meantime, despite my repeated visits to the D.C. offices, and knowledge that D.C. has directly communicated with Wenatchee about transfering everything, the lawyers (General Counsel and AGs) who are obviously involved, have interferred with my right to expediency, and my son's right to visitation with his mother, and ignored me for months. I had NO ONE calling me back.

I told Wenatchee I would not speak with them. I never told D.C. CPS I wouldn't speak with them, and I asked them to call me several times.

Michelle Erickson from Wenatchee CPS only contacted me a few days ago, claiming now that the process I was told "will take several months" was being accomplished in as little as TWO WEEKS, from the date the faxed release was signed by me, when they already knew I was trying to get it going months ago.

The reason this is only taking "two weeks" instead of "several months"?

It's because they're not transfering this through ICPC as it should have been done. ISSP is an individual service plan, and has nothing to do with the acceptance of D.C. CPS to fund services through this state and their location.

All that was accomplished, in the last two months, is that my son and I were deprived of visitation, even telephone visitation, and the lawyers got involved to make certain I do not get ahead, in any way. They not only have taken steps to ensure the bond is broken between me and my son and to set my son up for adoption by my aunt's family, they have purposefully ignored my repeated requests and stalled for their own convenience, to put them in the best legal position.


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