Thursday, November 20, 2008

D.C. CPS Michelle Farr Calls With Excuses

I just heard from Michelle Farr, which is the first time in 2 months that anyone from D.C. CPS has called me (except I think Hester once returned my call long ago and said she was going to call Wenatchee and that was the last I heard).

She called after I posted my information about their general counsel James Toscano. She left a message saying she had Ellen Walker with her in her office, and that she'd received my distressing message.

I had called her, once again, and asked why no one once returned my calls, or ever said they would NOT return my calls, and said I was going to start tape recording every single time I left a message from now on, to prove how many times I was ignored.

Then I posted information I found about James Toscano. I didn't have his name right, until I called Child and Family Services and said I was returning a call from the general counsel but couldn't remember how to pronounce his name (and then I asked if they'd spell it for me and they did). With that info, I googled him, and voila! Catholic University of America alumni. BIG suprise.

So I wrote about him, and then I suddenly get a return call from Washington D.C. CPS for the first time in 2 months. Michelle Farr said, in her message, that Wenatchee wasn't going to do the ICPC and so they were in no position to contact me. She said if I had questions to call Regi Daniels.

No, I have no further questions.

I am done with your office.

It is inexcusable, that for TWO MONTHS I was ignored, and these two offices, D.C. and Wenatchee, were communicating with eachother, but not with me. Both offices ignored my phone calls and didn't call me back, and no one told me, by phone or otherwise, that they were never PLANNING to call me back. I have proof D.C.'s lovely Ellen Walker was even trying to keep me from filing a release of information form to get the process started, and even after that, I heard NOTHING from Wenatchee until they decided they were not honoring the ICPC process and were going to lie and pretend they JUST now found out I wanted services to begin in D.C.

I told them MONTHS ago I wanted services to begin, and I was told by D.C. offices I had to get the ICPC process started, just 2 or so weeks ago.

I went in PERSON, to D.C. offices, 3 times, to find out what was going on, and until the last time, I was told they would "find out" and get back to me. No one ever did. Until James Toscano shows up in the last meeting and Ellen Walker tries to keep me from filing a release of information, without which, Wenatchee CPS would still probably be lying and claiming they never heard from me.

I LEFT MESSAGES with both Michelle Erickson, and Marie Scanlon, from Wenatchee CPS and these women never returned my phone calls or emailed, or wrote letters, acknowledging I'd called and wanted to get started.

Now, all of them are lying, and I find it interesting how they all start trying to cover their asses after I say I'm going to start recording the messages I leave, and after I discover the Wenatchee AG and D.C. AG are obviously working together, and both are Catholic.

Even if they got an ICPC going in D.C. at this point, and even if they claim I can start services now, I'm not doing anything in D.C., because they have already proven to be liars and purposefully stalled and delayed. I have proof they were communicating with Wenatchee, but NOT with me, and they allowed TWO months to go by, which was TWO months WASTED and DOWN THE DRAIN, which could have been used to get me closer to my son, and they cut off visitation with him besides.

Even if I had no services going with D.C. at the time, any organization has courtesy enough to return a phone call, and I left several messages over the last few months, with both Wenatchee and D.C. CPS.

I am not having anything further to do with an office that pulls this kind of crap. I am not going to Wenatchee for any kind of services, period. They slandered me throughout the STATE, not just their town.

Any services I get will be received by people I meet after I move to the Bible Belt. I will bet MONEY, that if I go to a state where the AG or general counsel isn't Catholic, I will be treated like a human being. I will also bet money I will find better "services" in such a state, especially after I explain what has been going on with these offices. I am not going to any state where there is any large number of elected officials who are Catholic, or have positions in social services or CPS. It has already proven to be disastrous, and if they did anything in the last 2 months, they tried to make contacts with "providers" and services they figured they could use against me over here, and used that time for their own discovery.

What I have learned, which they just proved to me, is that it does NOT take "several months" to get services in another state. Wenatchee and D.C. claim they only learned I wanted to start services over here, TWO weeks ago, and funny enough, they were able to get paperwork together in TWO WEEKS, not "several months". If they can do that with D.C., it will be no trouble at all for them to shift that work to another state so I can start services in a different state.

Two weeks, though...hmm...may not be enough time for them to find providers they trust will work on their behalf. They may be on troubled waters again, if I move to another state.

I will not only find out how the general counsel is in that state, and make sure they are not Catholic and that none of the Child and Family Services people are Catholic, I will go to the same church and sing my hallelujah song. At least some of the Baptists, who have also been targeted by some within the Catholic church, will know where I am coming from and be more accepting of what I've been through. Don't tell me there will not be believers in the Bible Belt.

Hurray for evangelicals and fundamentalists--perhaps the only threat to the RCC radical fanatics today. My opinion is that the RCC knows better than to mess with the Jews anymore, as the Jews have risen to the top again and survived countless attempts at scourges by the church over the centuries. Their new target, instead, is the "evangelicals" who they dismiss as nuts and despise, maybe because so many of their own former members quit going to their church and move to an evangelical church instead. As for Jews helping me, I think they're half and half. Some of them might like me and believe me, and be sympathetic, if they have relatives who know or remember what's been done to their people. Others, just hate me too, thinking maybe I'm just a bigot in general, and finding much in common with the catholic church, which they might think is just a cultural icon these days. I don't know. As for evangelicals, most would think I'm a "sinner" or "backslidden" because they're extreme right, and I'm definitely not. But they may believe me, about all the things that have happened to me and continue to happen to me. I don't side with anyone really. I just know my son and I need to figure out where the fewest number of Catholics are (which unfortunately usually means Jews too, because most like a more cosmopolitin or sophisticated location for living) and where our best odds are for me to get out from under the deliberate trap setting and delays.

My opinion of James Toscano is that he's no better than a mobster, for the way he's handled my case and instructed D.C. personelle to ignore me and never give me information.

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