Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Dopamine for Sadists and Group Think

The other thing I've noticed about these people, who have constantly harassed me, is that they rarely do it alone. They do it in groups, and feed off of eachother. It's as if they've nothing better to do, for sport, and go at it in teams. Why the great interest or amusement? I think it says a lot about the kind of people who get satisfaction from it. They are motivated by peer pressure and acceptance within their groups. They're not necesarily going to take satisfaction privately, unless they feel others are in agreement. They're followers. Most of the people who have gone after me, have been followers, not Thomas Mertons even. It's been more of a mix of greed, self-interest, and jealousy, with a kind of boredom and zeal for punishing others who step out of line. Most of these people are not exceptionally bright, but are socially well-placed because of the same reason which makes them followers to begin with--they value the appearance of superiority, and acheive this not always through actual merit, but through social networking and connections they forge by stroking the backs of one another and playing up to the people they believe will move them ahead on the ladder. Most of these people have been fairly corporate types, all the way around. At least we know there is an estimated cure, according to psychologists, for sadism, or deriving satisfaction from the misery of others--it's alleged to be DOPAMINE, which could indicate that internally and fundamentally, at the core, these are dissatisfied and unhappy people.

Sometimes it is those who are insecure or unhappy internally, who derive the most pleasure from putting others down, in that it elevates themselves. Even though we all hear this is true, and it's a cliche, there is truth to he saying.

Nazis? Were mainly followers. They weren't the brightest batch, though a few may have been outstanding intellectually. And they felt certain threats and believed a particular stance could not only be advantageous socially, but economically as well. It's group-think.

These people are not independent thinkers, at all.

Those who are independent thinkers, who dare to stand up against the tide and flow, are the ones who are willing to risk being a social outcast, for the sake of doing the right thing, or speaking for the innocent or the minority.

If someone is satisfied with their own lives, and their interior monologue and self-construct, they are typically not threatened by a single individual.

Dopamine is the cure? I wonder what that could have looked like, if the jews and gypsies and disabled had been able to experiment on the Nazis and administer all of them whopping doses of DOPAMINE.

LOL. It makes me laugh, but more than anything, I'm seriously curious. I wonder what all these people would be like on dopamine, if it would change anything or not.

I just read up on dopamine, and actually, I think it could help. Lower levels contribute to aggression in many forms, and it affects the reward-pleasure systems, which would matter if it is true sadists derive pleasure from punishing others or trying to exert control over them. A lot of interesting things about dopamine out there. I say we start throwing into their food and drinks, and if the CIA wants a new experiment, to see if dopamine reduces certain behaviors.

The song comes to mind: "All we need is love/ all we need is love, love, love is all we need." (Beatles).

Get these fuckers on some meds soon, and my choice, for their involuntary treatment, is dopamine.

Don't tell me you're not curious too.

It's true too, that if you're more insecure, you need the security of a group and are less likely to feel comfortable making decisions alone. Lower levels of dopamine are implicated in insecurities as well.

And why not make our enemies happy? If that's what they need, to be normal, let's give 'em "happiness". LOL. I don't have a problem helping them to be happy, if that's what they need, to hold their own. Is that what they mean by killing someone with kindness? I want to kill their sadistic impulses with some dopamine.

Let's hook these fuckers UP.

UPDATE: I am starting to think maybe some of these people are just low on dopamine naturally, and need help, and that some could be cocaine users. Because I was just reading cocaine temporarily increases dopamine but it then it backfires, because it takes dopamine from reserves, so there's nothing left to balance out mood afterwards. Which could make someone cranky and aggressive and feed a cycle. These people need drugs which increase dopamine but keep it at even levels.

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