Sunday, November 9, 2008

draft on weirdo from work

I think I may have to go with my first hunches. About who is involved with taking and then replacing my workshirts.

Which I made a post about and then erased, thinking maybe someone else set it up, but no, the reality is that it is highly unlikely anyone would set that up and all the logic leads to him.

He was a total jerk, and making faces about me to others, in public, which I and others noticed, and then all of a sudden becomes nice, and yet I think, passive-aggressive.

Now he just jokes and acts like nothing is wrong, as he plays "All That She Wants" more than once, and turns it up loud.

This guy has acted like he's a victim, and that's bullshit. He made the crappy comments, which indicate he knew more about me than was possible without inside information, and all the house stuff adds up too.

He lies...a LOT. He's lied about so many things, I can hardly keep the lies straight anymore.

Then he tries to ask me to lunch and everything. Why does he suddenly want to take me out? right after I start posting stuff about missing shirts and make up from his house.

He told me, from the start, that he was very "bad" and that he'd done very "bad things" and I thought he must be joking. Now, I'm starting to think he's right.

I can play along, but I'm not going anywhere with him, even if he's sober.

I do not believe he can be trusted and he's lied about too many things and left too many questions unanswered.

I just think he's passive-aggressive. I need to document everything, but maybe on another blog. I'll save this as a draft for now.

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