Thursday, November 20, 2008

End of Neuroscience Convention

I believe it's come to an end, but for the last week there was a great conference in town: The Neuroscience Convention. I heard varying reports as to how many people attended--20,000; 30,000; 40,000.

We had a lot of these doctors and scientists and computer people come in and it was a lot of fun to talk to them. One table was throwing around science vocab and talking about valproate and I said I didn't mean to interupt their discussion about drugs, but would they like another round? Then we started talking about brain cells, and motor neurons firing, and it was sort of funny. Next, I was talking with a group from York, England, about holographs. Very interesting.

It may sound strange, but I really wanted to sit in on some of the lectures. I guess they had tons of displays and posters and lectures there. People from all over the world attended, but it's something like almost $400 a head and that's after the membership fee.

To be a fly on the wall.

Hmmm. Or not. I don't think I would want to be any kind of living creature without fully established rights, amongst such a group.

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