Monday, November 17, 2008

Fighting For Son From Another Country

I had to call this particular clinic again, today, about getting an appointment. It appears everything was lost in translation, or never went anywhere.

Someone finally called me back a half hour ago, and said they'd tried many times to call me. I said that was odd because I didn't have any messages from them.

He said they'd been trying a lot. I asked if anyone was leaving messages or just calling. He said they had documentation of two attempts, and of leaving one message a couple weeks ago I think, which was before I called back and then I was supposed to have an appointment scheduled.

Because it's been delayed, I'm out three weeks now. I was supposed to have an appointment scheduled last week, and no one returned my phone calls and messages. Now, they finally have, but tell me they can't get me in for another two weeks. So I'm three weeks out farther than when I was told I'd be seen.

I have no problem assigning this to busyness. I still think it's a little odd, though, after leaving all my messages, and I just wonder, in general, if I should consider another place entirely. I'm just looking into Baptist Healthcare and wondering.

I'm also looking into getting my passport again. My objective is to get my son back, but with the way CPS has stalled and refused me and my son visitation, discovery, and ensurance of my basic rights, I think sometimes that I could fight this better in another country.

I can still write documents and mail things, and if no one is going to step up and assist me legally in this country, why should I be forced to be pro se and lose everything?

Every one of my rights has been violated. My son's rights to be with his mother have been violated.

I have repeatedly requested discovery and that I have copies of my medical records, and Wenatchee refuses to give them out, and then I have a Judge in Wenatchee who rolls right over any kind of normal civil procedure.

I am going to get my son back, but I am going to have a lawyer standing by me when I do. Unless that lawyer is forthcoming and standing next to me, within one month's time, I have zero hope of ever filing for medical malpractice or getting my son back through legal and proper channels, with my rights intact.

There are plenty of people who know what's happened to me and my son is not just unethical--it's illegal. My son was illegally taken from me, and an illegal court process railroaded me.

If I have moved all the way across the country, to a town full of lawyers and attorneys and policymakers and government headquarters, to get NOWHERE, then I can say I've exhausted all efforts.

What other country would disagree with me?

It is beginning to look as though staying here, and trying to fight for my son, and trying to fight for anything, is pointless. I and my son may be better served elsewhere, and even if it got to the point where my son was adopted out, I know I could get him back by proving my rights were violated from the first, and that I was railroaded. If I cannot get legal and financial assistance here in this country, to get my son back, I will do it from another country that wishes to help. Then I will get my son and take him back to that country that was willing to stick their neck out for us.

I am getting my passport.

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