Saturday, November 15, 2008

Filing Motion For Order For Medical Records

If this asshole of a judge wants a fucking "motion" just so it looks like a motion, after all he's done, he's going to get one.

I'll file for a fucking motion for a hearing, to demand modification of visitation orders and my rights, and for an order that all discovery I have not received, from the medical facilities THIS JUDGE ordered CPS could get discovery from, is mailed to me. Not only that, I'm getting an order to fucking obtain copies of all the medical documentation Wenatchee CPS claimed they "didn't have" at fact finding or when I asked them if they'd received it, they said, "I don't remember." There were a lot of statements to the effect of "I don't remember."

Funny, how they obtained select portions of my and my son's medical records, which they all eagerly purused, but did not get medical evidence that proves I'm right, including radiology reports, labs, signed vaccination releases, and copies of films and diagnostics.

Not only that, I'm finally going to contact the Office of Civil Rights about repeated violations of HIPPA by people in Wenatchee.

This judge had no authority to release and disseminate my medical history to the entire STATE. He gave the state authority to obtain private records, and ordered this with zero notice to me that this was going to be requested by the AG, and with zero public defense to speak up for me either. My public defense objection was wimpy. Paul Cassel didn't even have a motion prepared to fight it.

It was violation of HIPPA and it was only authorized because CPS never HAD, in the FIRST PLACE, authority or grounds to remove my son. They knew this, and they knew they had no grounds, so AFTER they took him, on false grounds, they ordered my medical records be obtained, and they already knew I'd been slandered in them, because they are friends with the doctors in Wenatchee to begin with.

I'm finishing the TTSOMLs and then filing all the complaints I said I was going to file.

The AG and Wenatchee will have their hands full. They picked a battle they will regret ever choosing. I will make them pay for decades for this, and I fully intend to publicly expose the corruption and to put the court records from audio online.

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