Saturday, November 29, 2008

Fired With Bait & Switch & Spiderwoman

My boss told me not to come to work until Monday and then she fired me for not coming into work.

Here's hoping she realizes this was a mistake and that it wasn't right to fire me for this reason. I found out this morning I was "fired". I had all these messages on my phone that I hadn't picked up because I had turned my phone off.

I turned my phone off because I didn't have to worry about calls from work, after my boss (the woman supervisor) told me, yesterday, when I showed up for work (on time) that she didn't need me because it was going to be a very slow day and she would just see me on Monday.

I was supposed to work that whole day. My name was on the calendar there, to cover for a guy who worked the night shift, and I was also going to work the morning too, which was my regular shift.

She told me she had enough people, so I figured she had enough servers for lunch and that the other person who comes in for evening was going to cover.

She told me in person, not to come in until Monday, and I have several messages on my cell, one which specifically says don't come in until Monday.

So after I left, I turned off my phone, and started working on other things, and I guess she started leaving messages last night, but I didn't get them until this morning. The messages say not to come to work, and then she's calling me asking where I am. She says she didn't know I was covering for this one guy that night and that I must have forgotten. Then she calls and says there must have been a misunderstanding and she says she'll just see me Monday night. THEN she leaves ANOTHER message, saying she's firing me because it was my "responsibility" to know I was working for _____. Then she leaves another message saying she realized she'd left a message saying she'd see me on Monday, but that I should have known to show up for work that night.

I had a total of 7 messages from her, and texts, saying to not come in until Monday night, and then reversing and saying I "should have known" and I'm fired.

What the hell. She knew as well as anyone else, that I was covering for this guy and my name was on the WORK calendar. It says, "________ off; Cam covering".

She's the manager. She knows what our schedules are. And if she hadn't specifically told me NOT to come in until Monday, I would have left my cell phone on and could have picked up her messages and gone to work. I would have worked, even though I'd been told I didn't HAVE to work, and to go home.

She knows I don't want to lose my job and everyone at work knows she doesn't like me. I'm hoping she changes her mind, given the fact she left me all these messages and texts, and understanding there was no way for me "to know" she didn't have enough people or OTHER people who were covering the night shift. On all my night shifts, there's always 2 people working, so I figured the other person was working and she thought one was enough because she said it was going to be so dead.

I would think, if this wasn't INTENTIONAL, she will change her mind. I sent her a text, explaining why I didn't come in. But if she doesn't change her mind, I don't see how this is anything but a mean way to use bait and switch to fire someone and claim it's their fault.

Not only that, she knows I'm pregnant and that I need the money, and what my situation is. I wasn't looking for another job because SHE told me she still needed me and that she was only hiring a couple of extra servers because it would be busy for inauguration and the new administration.

I'm thinking another thing could be that the father of my baby doesn't want me there now that I've outed him as the father, and his "spiderwoman" works there at the bar. Maybe she's not too happy her swinger partner got someone else pregnant. She hated me BEFORE, and customers noticed, so imagine NOW. Basically, I outed him after she left for a vacation and she was supposed to be back by Sunday or this next week.

I can just see her, screaming at him: "You're supposed to FUCK other women, not IMPREGNATE them, you BASTARD! ARRRrrrggghhhhhhhh!!!!!"

Maybe she'll be contributing to his child support check.

LOL. Oh yeah, and he was asking me to keep everything secret, and said, "Can't you just tell people that you don't know who the father is?"

Yeah right. That was a courtesy I gave to Daddy #1 and it was appropriate for protecting a family. I'm not going to trash myself and make myself sound like a tramp who doesn't know who the Daddy is AGAIN, for someone who wants to keep a love child on the low for purposes of keeping a sexy swinger profile and to stay in good with Spiderwoman, oh and the other girlfriend he was dumping and trashing on account of me on the side. Who I think he's back with, having cajoled his way into her grip. God. TeenAGERS. I refused to have anything to do with him after I got pregnant and my radars all went up. I think it's biology, telling the woman to assess whether the man is dependable or not. At any rate, I wouldn't sleep with him after that and when he even asked me to lunch, I told him I wasn't going anywhere with him until he sobered up. I also told his friends, that if they were really his friends, they wouldn't enable him.

The first Dad got really mad at me when I grabbed all his beer bottles and threw them against the pavement outside, smashing them all to bits. "What are you DOING?" he said. He was livid and it was Nacho who talked to him for hours, telling him I had done the right thing. Nacho respected me for it.

When I lived with an 18 year old roommate in Portland, Oregon, and had to call her parents to take her to ER because she was throwing up bile from overdrinking (which she did a lot, but this was the first time with bile), her father later asked me where the alcohol was. I think it had been his vodka. A huge Costco sized bottle. I told him honestly, "I dumped it down the sink". I dumped the whole thing of vodka down the sink. Glug, glug, glug, that demon liquor! lol.

This guy, I just grabbed his drinks and started throwing them into the trash and then the bin. Which, is mabye something management didn't like, my cramping anyone's style when everyone drinks on the job, including her.

Daddeo #3 has GOT to be the one keeps. LOL. Third time's a charm right? Yeah, I'm already setting my sights on #3. My black cook friends keep telling me: "Go black and you'll never go back." I'll keep that in mind. I'm raising a Benetton family.

(okay, I'm really just having fun with this last paragraph--Im not planning on having another Daddy)

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