Saturday, November 15, 2008

Good Things About Catholic Members

Alright, I said I was going to write some good things about Catholics I've met recently, to try to balance all of the bad things I have to say (about certain members of that church). So, it's nothing really, but before I get into more TTSOMLs, I should make mention of all the wonderful people lately, who've come into the workplace.

One group was in after church and left their program for St. Agnes behind. I hope it wasn't intended for me, because that's one thing that would drive me to PTSD--church, especially a catholic one. I imagine Virtual Reality for PTSD for me would be a video not of being in a war zone, but of me going to church. Uggh.

However, well nice family and group and respectful. I hardly ever hear a group of people parting with one another, saying, instead of "goodbye" or "we'll see you later"--"farewell". Farewell. So, more cultured than I am, that's for certain.

And there have been a bunch of others too, with or without medals and crucifixes, and just there like normal people enjoying their company and meal. And I've met others outside of work too.

I really, really, wish there was a way to make it clear, the level of my sincerity about not having a problem with most members. It's much more, for me, a problem with the heirarchy and people who are in select groups, who do bad things, in the name of "the church". And, for the simple reason so many bad things have been deliberately done to me, by people who want me to KNOW they are members of that church, this is why I finally realized I had to be on the look-out, and that it was best if I avoided most people who were Catholic, simply because I'd have no way of knowing whether it was another person trying to harm ME, or just a normal Catholic going about their own business. And then there are a lot of people who are more Catholic in culture than anything else, and I'm not out to give a bad name to culture by any means.

So, please know, I do know, there are good people, and I'm NOT trying to give a bad name to everyone in that church. I'm sure it comes across that way, but I also have to be true with what I write that's happened to me. I'm not attempting to stir hatred against Catholics. What I know, is that some within this group are not "normal" and they are very dangerous, and I don't trust the hierarchy of the church, to do good for even their own parishes and people. The Catholic people themselves have to be their own shepherds most of the time, with their children, and others, and this is equally true with Protestant and other churches. I just know that I've been prejudiced against, and had hatred stirred against me, to make other Catholics hate me and think I'm some kind of monster, when I've been grossly defamed and ill-matched to defend myself.

So, I guess this will be the last time I try to explain, because I've tried before, and I don't want to bring it up again and be redundant.

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