Saturday, November 15, 2008

How The United States Chooses Its Criminals

I like how the U.S. picks and chooses who to charge with crime and punish.

The State of Washington thinks they're demonstrating law enforcement, by going after some low-life, low-income guy who shot me in the butt with a bee-bee gun in Whatcom County. A guy of average intelligence who worked as a cook in a small Chinese restaurant.

They think they did something right by giving me a restraining order against a guy who attempted rape, and yet I had to do the work myself, and they didn't go after him, and they refused to send in the DNA I submitted to being swabbed for, to the crime lab. I even submitted to the humiliation of having photos taken, which proved an attempt, and these photos went "missing" and then later I was told they "found" them. The guy, in that case, was a low-life, low-income guy who worked in an orchard in Wenatchee and was from Cuba.

I like how the United States does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about the sexual assault against me by two employees from the FBI, who also coerced their way into my house, and who also fraudulently told me they were "recruiting" me for employment in the FBI.

I like how I've been defamed by my government, and then harmed by it. I like how they put off all of my FOIA requests, in the meantime, giving Sgt. Austria, who refused to write these guys up, a job promotion, and giving their other FBI guys awards of "Acheivement".

I like how the FBI allows sexual harassment against a top supervisor who had no agenda against them, and then tries to slander her afterwards.

And it's not like the CIA isn't guilty of the same thing. I personally haven't been aware of being contacted by anyone from the CIA, but who the hell knows anymore.

All I know, is the U.S. likes to pick and choose their criminals. The "criminals" that they go after, are the ones who are the least amount of work, whom no one in law enforcement cares about because these people are never going to "do anything for" them, personally.

They'll go after, charge, and jail all kinds of poor and lower class criminals, because it's easy, number 1, but most importantly, because they don't have friends in high places.

Who cares about the Enron criminals, the FBI criminals, the Catholic church pedophile criminals, and the banking and insurance criminals. These guys don't get put out to pasture, even when they're caught. No, they get compensation packages and a pat on the back, and a fatter welfare check and more "second chances" than all of the poor welfare mothers and families combined will ever see collectively.

Which reinforces the idea, to the corporate criminals, and the elite, that they can cheat, lie, and be irresponsible, and even commit crime, and probably, on the whole, get away with it.

Meanwhile, thousands upon thousands of people who never had a fighting chance against the system, sit in jail in America because of completely unreasonable public defenders. No judge ever listened to them, and their own lawyer made a deal with the prosecuting attorney and then went to lunch and toasted over drinks when the case was over.

This is a country, where it has to be ARGUED that someone who has been in jail for decades, who wants to have DNA tested, has the right to have that DNA tested. Why is this even an ISSUE? It is a fundamental right to have evidence, which may later come to light to exonnerate someone, admitted.

This is a country, where the Supreme Court of the United States of America makes ridiculous arguments about how anyone who WINS their case, if they are "pro se", even if they're a licensed attorney, should not be able to collect for attorney's fees, for doing the exact same work of a lawyer and WINNING their case. It is a country that feeds and engorges corporations including the Bar Associations, which have been sued even by the federal government for monopolostic activity to no avail, to church like the Roman Catholic church, to intelligence and law enforcement organizations which discriminate amongst American citizens and which practice the violation of civil rights without accountability.

And then any decent lawyer who tries to FIGHT corruption, gets punished and has laws and policies made to defeat efforts to combat crime, greed, and corporate cover up. A hospital that commits aggregious medical malpractice, and then tries to cover it up, is rewarded with a law the elite and the insurance companies favor, which caps the amount that can be collected for punitive damages.

There should be no cap for giving a jury the authority to TAKE the corrupted authority OUT of the HANDS of the criminals, and making a statement that this behavior will not be tolerated.

The jury, today, is powerless. A citizen is lucky to even get a jury, and then it's a miracle if it ever gets past a Judge and past Summary Judgement.

Everything that was originally designed to make this a fair country has become corrupted, and the criminals in charge are the ones who put their feet over the heads of everyone else to keep them down, knowing, as they scream out their defamatory lies, "knowledge is power".

If people knew what I know, this wouldn't stand. People wouldn't be frogs in a pot, tolerating upset after upset because of corporate fraud. Is it "corporate irresponsibility", really? Or just plain old FRAUD.

Instead, everyone is too worried about getting by from paycheck to paycheck and has no time, in the hardest of times, to gather and be a part of a revolution to overturn all of the policies and to demand their civil rights be enforced and that equality is the standard, not the exception.

I wonder when enough people are going to get angry enough. As angry as I am when I start really thinking about what's happened with my son and with my life and the harassment I've had to go through.

When are "the people" going to stand up for "the people" and stop allowing others to dictate their choices? When are the people going to start listening to eachother, and talking, and sharing their stories, and begin to care, collectively, about their futures and the future of their children and the social climate they are being raised in?

I want some fucking accountability and I want a fucking revolution. If I have to move out of the country just to be safe, and then yell over the water, I will. I want to see people getting ANGRY, and not just a little bit upset, but angry enough to spring into action.

The corporation never should have been granted the legal right to be "a person". All of the protections in place to protect the citizen from the corporation and abuses, were eliminated and no one cared enough and "the people" didn't have enough foresight to see what would be coming down the pipe as a result.

As long as Americans assume their position is to be a trusting sheep, looking to the government and those jerking its chain as their "Shepherd", they will be led astray in that trust. We demand a government BY the people, and FOR the PEOPLE.

Not for the elite, not for just the self-made millionaires and billionaires and the rich, and not for the government workers, and not just for the corporations.

The PEOPLE are sitting in their chains.

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