Thursday, November 6, 2008

I am Wrong and Right

I have to make corrections. I was wrong about the woman Angie being a "Sarah". I discovered this when I went through my phone notes and saw, yes, I did leave a couple messages for "Sarah", but that was for a different clinic. So, it is probable I really did leave a message for an Angie, and she was right and I was wrong.

I also wondered if I was wrong about my workshirts being stolen. I don't take them anywhere so I figured perhaps I left one or two at work--the only possible alternative. But I didn't think so, because I put them directly back into my bag, and when I got to work and checked, I found I was right. The shirts were not there. So my workshirts really were stolen. My roommate suggested one other possibility: sleepwalking, which I could accept, but I don't THINK I sleepwalk, and if I did, how is anyone cognizant enough to sort through all the clothing, to JUST pick out workshirts, and then what? I threw them in the garbage? It makes sense I could sleepwalk and take clothes out of my closet, but I don't think I'd be sorting them.

So, my roommate started packing his things yesterday. He didn't take them, and he thinks it's totally bizarre. He says he could accept a normal "theft" where a T.V. or something important was stolen, but he said what kind of weird person would BREAK into the apartment, to take my shirts for work, just to mess with me?

Then he said, "What are you, some kind of spy?" and said why would anyone think I'm so important that they would take time and effort to bother me. I told him, I've often wondered the same thing. But no, I told him, I'm not a spy. He said why don't they just kill me, and I said maybe because it would be too obvious. How the hell do I know? If they can try to drive someone crazy, and get others to believe the person is crazy, isn't that as good as dead alive? It eliminates the threat.

I remember telling Christa once about a book about Russian espionage, which freaked me out. It was a historical, fact-based, book, and I told her the part which scared me the most was the psychological elements of their espionage. I told her it wasn't unlike what the Abbey people and their lawyers were doing. There was a whole chapter on it--on how they would (like other countries spies too, I know) use propoganda against someone, or blackmail by setting men up with homosexual tendencies when this was socially unacceptable, or use women as honeytraps, to get close, and even try to make someone look so crazy they end up being documented as such. I'll have to try to find the title of the book. It had photos of former spies and things. I don't remember where I found it. I think it was one of the used books I picked up when I was reselling used books in college, and then I read it.

My roommate said to lock the deadbolt from now on. He thinks what happened is crazy, but how do I give him the whole history of things that have been happening to me?

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