Friday, November 28, 2008

I May Start Singing For My Supper

I have been thinking about calling up this guy who has given me his number for music collaboration.

He's Mexican, and plays piano and does some other things, and works for a Latino organization. But anyway, he's been by a few times and I always think I should call him to get together and work on a gig and I don't.

But I decided yesterday I'm going to call him.

If I met the right people, or got involved more in music, I could probably make more doing that than waitressing, or at least have fun doing it, on the side. I'm not a performer though. I'm not an actress or theatrical. I just like to sing, but I don't like to dance around in front of people and feel uncomfortable giving a show. I just like to write a little, and feel the music, and intepret it and give it feeling through singing. I am just as happy singing behind a closed curtain. I guess I like to sing, but I don't like being watched.

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