Saturday, November 1, 2008

ID Info For Female Harrassers

Because of all the things that have happened to me, including death threats, I take harassment seriously, especially when it appears the persons doing the harassing know me or about me and attempt to conceal their own identity because of it.

I checked online first, and to steal or use a credit card number, one has to have name, DOB, and other identifiers I do not have. So it doesn't seem to be a risk to theft if I post the card numbers of the women who harassed me, who I wrote about recently. I am only doing this, because I cannot remember their last names, and it could be important, and I believe someone in an agency could track down their information and make possible connections, if needed, to ensure my safety, the safety of my son, and possibly prevent further harassment.

So, the number for the woman who did all the harassing verbally is:

Visa: I4744770005944807, Ex. 10/03 (year, then month)

The other woman, who was with her and who also lied and claimed they'd given me the original signed receipts, had the following card:

Amex: 377274919551008, Ex. 12/08.

I am including additional information in my last post about the incident. Also, I forgot to mention I believe I saw the very same woman, by herself, getting on the bus at the station I was at, and she looked over at me and made eye contact. This was a couple of hours later, after I got off work.

And if she or the two happen to be Catholic, as I wrote I am guessing in my last post, there were plenty of other people there who were Catholic, who had their fish for Friday, and were polite, and/or gave good tips, and some came in with their crucifixes on and were fun and acted like normal people. So there are just some bad apples in that barrel, is all I'm saying.

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