Sunday, November 30, 2008

I'm A Souljah by Tupac (and Progress On My Complaints)

This has great rhythm and movement. One I can write fast to, and get pumped up by. Then I heard Usher's "Think of You" which I like, and now, I've replayed this several times, Michael Jackson feat. Akon Tf1 2008, "Wanna Be Startin' Something". Really good. Also heard Rihanna.

Anyway, I'm making good progress. I'm almost halfway through my Bar complaint and then I'll just edit and make sure my claims fit the right violations and meet the standards for proving unreasonable defense.

I'm done with the part about Cassel. Now I'm onto writing about Wellbaum. Then I'll review case law and statutes, and then save as is to edit later, and start working on the next complaint.

Still listening to "Wanna Be Startin' Something." Sort of fitting, eh?

I may just submit complaints to the State supervisory for police, regarding the times I was pulled over for things I didn't do and searched. It was an excuse to search my car. I should also file another FOIA for the FBI records and see what excuse they come up with this time.

Maybe I should ask the Portland police for a copy of the "statement" Rich Austria made for me, against my protestations, when I said I'd write my own account of events and facts because he was trying to distort things.

"Wann be startin' something, got to be startin' something..."

These people have had it coming a long time. At least when I get it in writing and keep copies for myself, I can later prove I even put things in writing and no one did anything. So it will prove corruption and lend itself to any Section 1983 claim I may make on my own or discuss with an attorney.

After I get the smaller complaints out of the way, I am filing something to get an injunction against this whole proceeding in Wenatchee. I am filing a complaint for violation of civil rights.

If no lawyer will help me do it, I'll do it myself, even if I can't do a very good job of it. I can still draft a decent motion if my facts are "sufficient".

These people are getting snowed. Getting fired was the best thing that could have happened to me, by the way. It was perfect timing because it frees me up to keep up the flow and get these things out ASAP.

I have finished the complaint against Wellbaum and Cassel. It has to be edited, but the body of the work is done. I've decided to add legal things later.

Also, I'm thinking, the only way I'll really get to the bottom of what the FBI was doing, and to prove I did have involvement with them, thereby proving Wenatchee medical professionals slandered me when they mocked me in the records as crazy for thinking I knew anyone in the FBI...

I'm thinking I'll have to file a civil rights lawsuit. The FBI will be forced to disclose their records on me at that point. I also haven't been able to get the State of Washington to release all of their records in their files, about me, from social services to all the various departments of "the state".

"You wanna be startin' something, you got to be startin' something..."

I should also get information from the state about what they sent over to Canada and who was saying what and communicating with immigration. I think that could be quite enlightening. I need names.

I am taking names.

Better firm up on that house mortgage situation assholes.

You are going to be sued and you are going to try to pay your way out for your defense. Start saving up. Might not want to go out for dinner this weekend. Might not want to get too crazy with all that Christmas spending. Ask the Abbey attorneys how funny it was, my threats, until they got served and were fighting my complaints in court, for almost 2 years.

Let's see, I have a little over 7 pages. I think I can trim it down to 3 1/2 after I edit.

Hmmm. Change of plans. Next complaint to be written is to the ADA. Americans with Disabilities people. That one has to be filed right away, so it's next. The others will follow after it, but the ADA should start looking into this ASAP.

I love this song, "I'm a Souljah". I don't care what the lyrics are, I just like everything else. It makes me want to be in a club dancing.

Hmm. I started the template and thought, "How many complaints to the ADA do I write anyway?" I don't think I can combine everything. I may have to file one for discrimination by Wenatchee medical professionals, on a case-by-case basis, and then a separate one for the discrimination by the state, meaning state workers, and justice system in Wenatchee. And then maybe have one referrencing the other? So someone can see there's a connection but that they're also unique in their forms of discrimination? It's almost more of a conspiracy between the two, to deprive someone of justice. They worked together. They were even working on their "one-way-bus ticket" out of Wenatchee together. And the state covered for the medical professionals by trying to refuse state funding to allow for diagnostics which would prove disability and then withheld evidence from the dependency case.

I think there are very, very, good grounds for a unique civil rights case, more than anything. I may look up claims and grounds for certain torts I havent' thought of before.

Oh, another good song I just discovered, not as well known as "Gonna be Startin' Somethin'" is another by Jackson and Akon, "Hold My Hand". It's really good. I've never heard it before.

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